Demons Will Fly
Poor Gus...
Poor Gus? He just got the opportunity of a lifetime! Sure Sharon's a ton of baggage, but still. This'll do wonders for his career.
Poor Gus...
Poor Gus? He just got the opportunity of a lifetime! Sure Sharon's a ton of baggage, but still. This'll do wonders for his career.
Poor Gus? He just got the opportunity of a lifetime! Sure Sharon's a ton of baggage, but still. This'll do wonders for his career.
Post a vid clip... because technically i haven't seen nor heard Zakk do something similar...And yes, I do think Zakk can at very least match what Jake did in the video. I've heard him do it.[/qb]
Actually technicalities does not equal a great guitarist.... it's what you do with those technicalities within a context of a song... Technical players are a dime a dozen... you seen it in the 80's after the Malsteen, Eddie and Randy craze... most if not all were technically brilliant but none were or are remembered as "great guitarists" because they all sounded the same and didn't stand out plus were not good songwriters or didn't play good in other people's songs that made their play memorable.[qb]As song writers, of course they were! I've never stated otherwise. I'm well versed in Ozzy's material (seeing as I knew almost all of Randy's licks at one point and a number of Jake songs). You can be a shitty songwriter and a great guitarist.
If this were 10 years ago I'd say this would be a cush gig. Now? Not so much... Ozzy is past his prime and Sharon has her hands in everything, she's too close...she's the wife and manager, she's biased and she lost perspective. I'm happy that he'll gain some fans but the music is done, he'll come in and play it note for note as it was written. I'll add that this gig ceratinly didn't do wonders for Joe Holmes and he did a few tours with Ozzy...
it sounds like Ozzy handled it poorly
Never heard of Joe Holmes, didn't even know he was in Ozzy's band.
Gus has a decent amount of notoriety.
Glad you see it my wayOk, Zakk was a shity guitarist, way worse than Jake in every way and Randy too. He's a second rate Dimebag Darrell.
but anyways I hope Gus slays as you said...
I don't "Hope" he slays. He DOES slay. Dream Evil and Firewind are more than proof enough that he has some serious chops. All depends how it plays out in Ozzy.
We'll what i meant is if his style fits to the songs... chops alone won't make you slay unless it fits the songs... Ozzy's music is a different style then what he is used to playing so we shall see imo...
I recall reading that Gus G. was likely to get the job (I think Sixx posted the link on Blabbermouth?)