i hope greg is ok


toe much love!
Nov 16, 2002
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i left this morning without seeing him... i knocked on his door and said 'greg' but no answer... i didnt think i should have him wake up to say goodbye, especially if he was hung over like me. i hope hes not dead. this thread will not be cute at all.

omg omg omg opeth and porcupine tree best show ever omg omg omg
BigFakeSmile said:
i left this morning without seeing him... i knocked on his door and said 'greg' but no answer... i didnt think i should have him wake up to say goodbye, especially if he was hung over like me. i hope hes not dead. this thread will not be cute at all.

omg omg omg opeth and porcupine tree best show ever omg omg omg
I heard PT puts on a very good show.

I don't like their studio stuff much, though. I mean it's..cool..just..I dunno.
well i didn't realize i was sleeping that deeply. Yeah sometimes you need to physically hit me with my guitar or something to wake me up.

i definitely wasn't hungover. I woke up around 11 which is late for me. i am surprised pumpkin didn't wake me up earlier to feed him.

I was really kind of bummed though because i was hoping to hang out with you more since i was bored out of mind for most of the day. :( i spent a good four hours watching buffy stuff on the season 4 dvds. i did manage to get a call from some peeps to hang out though tonight and met up with a kid i haven't seen from college in like three years.

I was more worried about you being hungover because you seemed a bit hurting before you went to bed as the pictures will surely show. mwa ha.

btw to everyone else on the board, Operation: Get a Picture With Mikael was a superb success and i have to say that despite any bad shit some of my band members have said about his music, or any of the preconcieved notions i had about him i found him to be a truly cool person to hang out with although i was too nervous to really ask any questions and seem like an idiot. But he remembered us from Milwaukee!

Also you made my guest blankets smell pretty unlike mine which smell like pumpkin pee and pumpkin poop.

I am really rambling right now but i think its because its past 4AM and I am really confused as to why I am still up.