I hope the new Iron Maiden cd isn't corny...

What the fuck?! Go back to your Bon Jovi singles, poser faggots! :lol: "cheese" makes a pretty good synonym for "kick-ass Heavy Metal" for wimps who ain't got the balls to admit they like Blink 182 and can't play solos :p
Ayeka said:
What the fuck?! Go back to your Bon Jovi singles, poser faggots! :lol: "cheese" makes a pretty good synonym for "kick-ass Heavy Metal" for wimps who ain't got the balls to admit they like Blink 182 and can't play solos :p

What?!?! I like metal that has 40 times the balls as Iron Maiden...and I can play plenty of guitar solos...ones that Smith and Murray probably can't even handle.
It`s true!!! Kids don`t know shit these days! Maiden pisses all over anything new this century and last!

No one with "balls" uses the word "corny"!! What a dick!
First off, I don't listen to Maiden. Second, I'm not a kid. Ray, because I don't like Maiden you assume I don't know what's good? Wow, that's a limited perspective. And TP...playing a guitar solo that a member of Maiden can't handle does not necessarily mean I'm a better guitar player...
Depth Charge said:
First off, I don't listen to Maiden. Second, I'm not a kid. Ray, because I don't like Maiden you assume I don't know what's good? Wow, that's a limited perspective. And TP...playing a guitar solo that a member of Maiden can't handle does not necessarily mean I'm a better guitar player...

Don't listen to Maiden? Piss off then! Or maybe go to the 'fficial Maiden BB...I wonder if non-fans still get the most ass kissed there? :confused: anyway, you're old, so go away and be boring elsewhere :p