I just dumped a grand for a 6505+ and ISP pedal


Oct 31, 2005
Well, looks like I will be a proud owner of a 6505+ and an ISP Decimator pedal real soon.

Time to sell the Hd147 now that I'm broke!:heh:

But one special thing....the 6505+ was sent to voodoo amps for the Deluxe mod..... Mercury Mag. transformer and Ruby Masters tubes and all. I hope I made a good decision:erk:

I'll post a recording with it when it comes in. Hopefully I didn't fuck up:loco: :zombie: :Smokin: :kickass:
yeah, my other guitarist in the band has the 5150 block letter, and it kills my HD147......hopefully the 6505+modded will be a nice upgrade to the band.:kickass:

of course, when you drink jager and stones like us before shows, nothing will help you. LOL!!!!:p
I don't think you will be disappointed with it. Still waiting on some more cash to get my XXX sent there......