I just got the scariest warning in Logic 9...


May 9, 2009
So I was fiddling around with a project, and while the project was playing I was doing stuff with the browser, like loading virtual instruments or stuff like that, can't remember what exactly, and suddently I get this warning:

Not enough memory to create clipboard/Undo!

Should never happen.

When you get a warning that says something about things that SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN... Be fucking scared... :lol:

Anyway, I'm closing the project and creating back-ups right NOW...
What plugins were you loading/unloading?

there as a pretty epic thread on gearslutz about this issue, Logic running out of memory, everyone assumed that it was Logics fault but testing showed that it was certain 3rd party plugins such as Omnisphere and Trillian that were hoarding ram and refusing to release it back to the system, leading to the "not enough memory" warnings.
same behaviour from those plugins in other hosts such as Ableton Live too.

EDIT: Waldorf Largo was another RAM destroying plugin that was found.
I was loading some EXS24 instrument, just to try to built-in synths. Nah man, I'm not blaming it on Logic, It's just my macbook... This current project has almost 50 tracks, many of them instrument tracks, it has a lot of EWQLSOs, Amplitubes, TH1s, Alchemys, S2.0, not to mention all the inserts I'm using. I'm actually amazed how well my macbook is coping with all of this. I just thought the warning was kind of tragicomical :lol:

One thing though that I don't understand about Logic... I occasionally get the "Disk too slow" error while recording, and it just creates loud white noise on the track. This would be very annoying in a situation where I would record someone I didn't know well. I'm using a 7200rpm firewire drive for recording so I can't see what gives.
I had the longest possible buffer time at the time, but I'm still not surprised, as I'm stretching my available hardware as far as it possibly gets.