i just have to do this....

Pyrus said:
Don't be an ass. It's possible to drink because you WANT to drink, not because you're some weak pathetic shell of a human being, and it's possible to stop drinking just the same. Your facetious dismissal of something you've never done does you no credit.

drinking alcohol may help you forget your problems, but it also does harm to the body. there are ways around eating your liver to escape problems.
1. doing something to take your mind off things
2. take antidepressants
dead6skin6mask6 said:
drinking alcohol may help you forget your problems, but it also does harm to the body.
I do that mmkay.... :loco: I know and I still do it.

dead6skin6mask6 said:
there are ways around eating your liver to escape problems.
1. doing something to take your mind off things
2. take antidepressants
I do ironing, cleaning, sexing, waxing, cats feeding, soccer watching, and the said under 2. that does harm to the liver as well... :grin:

my my, life of joy!!! :hypno: :hotjump:

u picku materinuuuu, aaaargh.... :yell: *cough* just wanted to add to the cursing session.... :)
dead6skin6mask6 said:
drinking alcohol may help you forget your problems, but it also does harm to the body. there are ways around eating your liver to escape problems.
1. doing something to take your mind off things
2. take antidepressants

Antidepressants are for people who want an escape problems, So you say.
- which is the most fucking retarded excuse to say that "I can't handle a small amount of stress...boo hoo boo hoo, my life is soooo complicated and hard." Drinking can at least be fun if you have friends to do it with.
err, I don't know how it is in the U.S.A., but in Europe antidepressants have a bigger function that just saving from stress. you don't even get them if you're just stressed. boo-fuckin-hoo to the ones that don't know anything about depression, and preach. sorry, had to say. :)