I just have to say.. (digging reaper)


Oct 24, 2007
How much reaper has changed the way I record. It's such a great fuckin DAW. I don't think you can beat it for 60$. I still love pro tools for all of the great editing features(BD, EA, etc.), but other than that, reaper is definitely where it's at. To anyone that hasn't tried or thinks its bullshit, fuck that! lol.

So, whats everyone that uses reapers favorite thing about it?
Reaper is fucking awesome man! Its my first DAW and my best DAW! I also have Cubase but I don't use it because its just like a piece of shit when I compare it to reaper, reaper is so much easier to use, at least for me it is anyway.
I love it- I used pro tools in college for a few years and way prefer Reaper. Editing is so fast and easy and the routing is great.
Hell I'm stilln using V1.885 and it still rocks
Nothing - don't use it. But DAW preferences are such a personal thing that it's probably a good thing that there are so many choices. No one DAW meets everyone's needs or workflow. Personally me, I'm a Sonar Producer Edition x64 user - It's fits my needs and while I've tried demos of others and I've given Reaper a good run through, I keep going back to it.
I love Reaper. Very intuitive and easy to use... and it's not lacking anything essential, IMO. I have no reason to use anything else.
I don't use Reaper anymore but the thing that struck me as being awesome was how easy it was to use.
It's also great how much potential is has for improvement too despite being relatively cheap.
I downloaded the demo from Reapers site. It was easy and very intuitive.. but I've been using Cubase for the last 10 years and I'm like a grandpa that never get used to new things. I also flirted long time ago with Cakewalk (now know as Sonar)
