I just listened to Rythem of Fear

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
For the first time in ages. What a criminally underrated album. Out of all the MOD albums I've listened to this one the least and I dont know why. No one ever talks about this one. It's full of killer songs like "Intruder", "Irresponsible" (FE FI FO FOM!!!) and my favorite, "I, The Earth" which is a fucking thrasher. "Jive Time Jimmy's Revenge" is pure fun also.
I fucking love it. Plus I am a Tim McMurtrie fan to me his guitar sound and simple crunchy riffs typify MOD . I believe ROF is the last record he did with Bill.

Also, MAD PROPS YO to Scott S. who really nailed the MOD sound to perfection on the latest record.

Objection -Dead End should be included in the new setlist Billy as well as Rally NYC.

If it's not I'm gonna do an A cappella rendition of it in the parking lot ( including the instrumental)