i just made the grave error of trying to go outside


Aug 2, 2002
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is it like, 6,000 degrees outside? why am i wearing black jeans?
baby jesus please come to brooklyn and make it snow. thank you.
On Saturday I was doing some drinking outdoors when I got hot. I decided to take my shirt off planning on returning it to my body one half hour later so as to not get sunburned. Well, when drinking I tend to change my plans without really even noticing. So now my chest and back have a nice healthy red glow.
I'm with Avi, I love it when its raining and miserable. My body chemistry is all Scottish and Norweigan. I need my constant gloominess and six months of no sun. This america thing is fucking with me.
josh, my friend went to baltimore for the first time this past weekend and instead of chilling, he just turned around and came right back because he said the weather was so miserable!
Maryland is not the south, Maryland is the worst state in the union, they sent representatives to both the the confederate and union congresses during the civil war and sat on the fence about who to support until Sherman started burning things. They were also the only state with legal slaves in the post civil war era. Their only purpose is to supply me with crab.

In other words, fuck Maryland.

Also, what kind of state gives that much of a shit about lacrosse?

Driving on the Beltway sucks also. Fuck Maryland, like really hard in its ass.
The emancipation proclamation freed zero slaves in the union, it freed the confederate slaves.

In case the message was missed, fuck Maryland and its awkward shape. If it fell into the ocean, we'd still have the Cheasapeke bay bridge to get south of it.