i just made the grave error of trying to go outside

They didn't fight for the confederacy during the civil war, hence not really southern. A real Virginian, The Dope, told me this. Then again, people from the Carolinas disagree on if Virginia can really be considered southern based on the amount of yankees living in Northern VA, near DC.
You've obviously never driven in Maryland or talked to anyone there besides trying to get south of Baltimore or other than the waitstaff at restaurants. I'd say you could find more assholes there than anywhere else.
Maybe I just have bad experiences, I've been called everything in the book, just walking down the street in Baltimore. I got called a cracker in philly too. I just hate city folk, only cities I've had positive experiences in are Buffalo and Montreal. However, I've still not been to Boston so I'm hoping for better.
Nah, smashing pumpkins and foo fighters as well as a series of other bands at a concert for free (well, free for me). People in the city were nice and even though I couldn't breathe (serious asthma issue), I had a great time. I had a girlfriend at them time and was also only 16, so I hadn't even been laid yet.
1) MD is south of the mason dixon line but did not secede from teh union, so we're in a weird grey area here as far as whether or not we're part of the south

2) prepz wtf the weather here was awesome this weekend, crazy thunderstorms!! also it's not THAT much different from NY weather. your friend is a wuss!!

ps I love summer
0sm0se said:
You've obviously never driven in Maryland or talked to anyone there besides trying to get south of Baltimore or other than the waitstaff at restaurants. I'd say you could find more assholes there than anywhere else.

I have found that the way people treat you in MD is entirely dependant on your attitude towards them, just lkike everywhere else in the world
minxnim said:
he said it was so humid he almost blacked out leaving the beautiful losers show!

he probably stays in air conditioning all the time. 15 minutes out ther eand you're used to it. the key is to sit in a rocking chair with iced tea and not move.