I just put an EMG85 in bridge position...

TheStoryteller said:
..and all I can say is "wow". Compared to the EMG81; everything from the playing response to the actuale tone is better. Sounds and feels like a different guitar all the way. :)

Thanks for the tip James M et cetera.
a while back I threw an EMG85 in the bridge of my Ibanez S540. It's definitely not as "hot" sounding as an 81, but I like how well rounded it sounds.
I recently bought a Engl Powerball.

My axes with a EMG-81 sounded dull and flatt compared to passive pickups (Gibson 498, DiMarzio SuperDistortion). But the EMG-85 in my guitarplayer's Gibson Les Paul Studio sounds very alive and organic. Never expected this.
I put a bridge 85 in my Ibanez SZ720 2 weeks ago... Great tone, slays the 81 in regards to clean sounds but the 81 still cuts n slices better when pumping through the red channel on my Dual Rect. I like having the option for sure.