i just realized something


Aug 2, 2002
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i just sent out an all staff email (which is the norm for this type of stuff) that said 'at 4 p.m. i will be at a meeting on the 9th floor'.

this is a meeting for the silly web-liason job. or whatever you want to call it. but i just realized that human resources is also on the 9th floor and i am 99% sure that everyone, bosses and all, think i am storming upstairs to freak out on human resources about the miscarriages of justice that have happened to me in the past 3 days.

since i sent that email 2 people have come over to ask me if everything was okay.
make that 3 people. my immediate supervisor sent me a note saying 'if you're ratting out i want to go too! i have things to say!'

nix, i would, but i know hr is basically useless. i've learned my lesson in that area. i figure, i am going to suck everything up but when i leave, it'll be one of those grand exits. ya know?