I just realized something!


Hypocrisy rules!!!!!
Jan 18, 2002
Las Cruces, NM
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Dan plays his right handed guitar left handed, but still strung as a right handed. THATS FUCKING SICK!!!! I cant believe he does that!

Dan, how do you do that man?

Well, I have never known any other way to play guitar, soooo.
I find chords that a few others can play and and my riffing gets a unique touch because of this 'strings upsidedown' thing. I have found a couple of guitars that works well too, so I am happy the way I am..it looks a bit odd to look at, but so does I!!!

The Grand Design said:
Dan I find it amazing that you play like that, how come you learnt guitar that way?

He told me once in an interview, that he started a very little age, and in the mirror it looked cool, because it looked like a normal right hand held one. Then his brothers told him that he holds the guitar the wrong way, but he said "But now I know all the chords" and he didn't change it.
i just realized the implications of this... instead of hitting the bassy strings first, he hits the higher pitched ones. His downstroke sounds like most players' upstroke. way cool!
I can take a picture of mine where Dan had modified the guitar for the strap to play it left handed standing up if anyone wants to see!
Dan Swanö said:
Well, I have never known any other way to play guitar, soooo.
I find chords that a few others can play and and my riffing gets a unique touch because of this 'strings upsidedown' thing. I have found a couple of guitars that works well too, so I am happy the way I am..it looks a bit odd to look at, but so does I!!!


The Reinassance man does it again.. :saint:
I listen to Nightingale with a totally new perspective now. I really get my hands on a left handed guitar (since I'm right handed) and try playing it backwards!