Write left-handed, play guitar/etc. right-handed?

I am lefty too! :rock:
The only things where I use my right hand is :
-using the mouse
-using the fork
My guitar teacher told me that those lefty guitars are completely nonsense,
because when you start to learn it it's for both hands something new, as
for righthanded people too.
Never had any problems when it comes to picking.
Ass wiping left handed
Haha interesting, me too. Never thought of that, do the right-handed people wipe their ass with the right hand? Seriously! I couldn't do it.

writing left handed
guitar right handed (my "wrong" picking hand is actually stronger)
eating left handed (spoon / fork, I can't eat with the right hand for shit)
using mouse right handed
sports mostly left handed
fapping left handed :Smug:
working with saws, hammers etc. left handed

I even tried a lefty guitar but it felt SO wrong. Looking back, I'm glad it did because of the obvious lack of lefty guitars. I can do some things with both hands but prefer one, and some things just won't work with one hand. It's an interesting but strange topic.
The important thing is not to be forced by the parents/teachers to do it one way, because it has severe impacts on your mind.

By the way, eating cake with the left hand fucking sucks because the stupid cake-forks are designed for righties and I have to use force to cut a goddamn piece of cake sometimes :lol: