I just realized


Oct 2, 2007
How much REALLY the Jetser's Race kicks the shit out of any other In Flames album. So fucking good...:kickass:

Yeah...I'm not sober
Whoracle > The Jester Race
it's less chaotic and sounds more mature.
Sad to say, at times I like the vocals on Whoracle better then Colony. Lyrical wise, Colony wins over for sure.:kickass:
I'd like to hear The jester race with vocals from Colony. I'm sure that it would sound better then the originel.
I'm not too sure about that. The vocals on Colony mirrored the music: tight and amazingly energetic. I think they'd sound really out of place on The Jester Race.
I just don't see a super excited/hoppy Anders singing Moonshield. :Smokin:

hmm, well his vocals on The jester race, to be honest; sound boring to me, i mean take the song moonshield for example; a pretty relaxing sound with annoying vocals, the exciting vocals from colony would fit it for sure, since they sound more exciting and carry more energy in it then those from Tjr.
Colony, whoracle, and the jester race are all the pinnacle of melodeath, no one will ever top those 3 albums, vocals, lyrics, sound, everything is ace :rock:
hmm, well his vocals on The jester race, to be honest; sound boring to me, i mean take the song moonshield for example; a pretty relaxing sound with annoying vocals, the exciting vocals from colony would fit it for sure, since they sound more exciting and carry more energy in it then those from Tjr.