I just realized

In my opinion the jester race has the best melodies, whoracle has the best lyrics and riffs, and colony has the best vocals/most energy :notworthy
Does it matter? They're all amazing albums, so who gives a fuck which is better.
this thread has devolved from shit into total shit.
has there ever been any worthwhile discussion about in flames on this forum?
I still need to get that album, but if it's anything like Whoracle, then it's good with me.
I don't think so. I find it hard to seperate the three, in fact, I think TJR - Clayman are all equally awesome albums. Depending on my mood, depends on which album I favour.
I still need to get that album, but if it's anything like Whoracle, then it's good with me.

You're about to discover a great album. Growls are not as deep as Whoracle but the delivery fits the music and mood well. Strong, strong album. Whoracle, Colony, Clayman all from the same cookbook just different flavors.