i just saw 3rd transformers movie

Remember that time Michael Bay made a movie that was way too long with lots of random explosions and a non-sensical plot? Yeah.

Also, the 3d fucking sucked.
I'm not a film buff, so remind me of some of the things he made before that? Batman Begins, right?

No, that was Chris Nolan. Older Michael Bay flicks include The Rock, Armageddon, and Bad Boys. Honestly, the only film of his I liked was The Island, which had great chemistry between the leads despite some fairly serious flaws.
I guess for some reason I'm a Michael Bay fan, by far my favorite of his was The Island, probably followed by The Rock. I totally understand why people don't like his films and there are many things to not like about his film, but for some strange reason I ignore them and simply enjoy. sometimes I just like dumbed down, mind numbing crap. I'm sure I'll make a doctor wealthy someday after they dissect my mind.
I hated transformers 2 but 3 tried to fix many of the flaws, not all but many. I can't deny that the last 45 minutes of the film did have a wow factor, it was epic, over the top and showed lots of top notched filmmaking techniques and FX. it also hurts the senses sometimes LOL

If you didn't like one or two, three probably won't make you a fan. If you don't like Michael Bay, 3 probably won't make you a fan.
The Rock is a great piece of film-making, I'd go as far to say Bay verged on genius when he made that. I'm not kidding, either.