I just watched the Grudge


also known as ass-mode
Feb 13, 2004
Québec City
Then when I got back into my room, it was all dark, so I turned the switch to turn the lights on and POW, the light burned out, making a flash and a little explosion sound.. Oh god this freaked me out lol.
AsModEe said:
I didn't watch Ju On but it wouldn't surprise me if it's better than the Grudge.

I use tomake that noise that the dead chick makes all the time, you know the strangled guttural noise. I thought that was creepy because I was like WHAT THE FUCK I DO THAT ALL THE TIME! When she came up through the chicks bed it scared the shit outta me. Thats a big fear I have.
crap movie.

the new thrillers coming out lately have all sucked. The Ring Two blows even more ass than this hunk of crap.