I know how to revive the American economy.

It's only occasionally kurtz, and it doesn't appear to hinder her performance ;) She's not looking to be a pro soccer player, just for fun while taking lame classes at school is all.

Jeff, I don't think you realize the entire scope of how big an industry weed is. We're talking billions per year. If it were taxed, even just a tiny amount, that would bring TONS of money in for everything. Funny thing is, if it get's legalized and taxed, all the FUCKS out there that talk shit with no real knowledge of the situation in regards to weed currently will be changing their tune like that's what they thought the entire time. Pieces of shit.

I would not be surprised one bit (but would find hilarious) if something like Kaht became legal in the US but pot didn't. :lol:

There are really only two things preventing me from smoking weed are that it's illegal, and that I have seen a discrepancy of the 'no permanent side effects' issue and the observation of how few very successful/intellectual people smoke weed.

I agree with 006 on the little (comparatively speaking) side effects of smoking pot are. I used to be really involved with the local hardcore scene and EVERYBODY smoked pot. These guys could drive home fine, they could skateboard, play guitar, etc. Unfortunately they have little to nothing to show for their lives except mindless self-indulgence with weed & other substance abuse. Keeping in mind however I haven't observed personally a person who only smoked pot and abstained from every other substance, so I'm sure my views are a bit skewed. The only reason why they stay that way is because there is nothing to counteract it with.
few very successful/intellectual people smoke weed.

Well that I would dispute, though I guess it depends how you define the two terms (but I have tons of friends/acquaintances whose parents are successful and toke regularly, and know a bunch of people who I'd consider both intelligent and sharp who are big potheads - Mike, for example :))
spioraid: What you mean to say is that they haven't admitted to smoking pot ;) Let me tell you something mang, if you ever met me in person when I was pretty ripped, you would have no idea. I interact with my parents quite a bit when completely blown...they have no clue. I go to work high every once in a while these days. I'm the manager. The owner of the store, my employees and my customers cannot tell. I would venture to say if you interacted with 10 people a day, at least 1 of them probably smokes, or may have even been high when you interacted with them, and you had no idea. Maybe a little exaggerated but it's pretty close. I didn't realize how many people really smoke until I started. Tons. And that's just within the people I hang with and the acquaintances I have made through friends of friends, etc.

Side effects? Like what? Are you referring to those people reminiscent of characters like cheech & chong? People like that were not made that way by weed, my friend. They were that type of person to begin with...I won't say weed didn't help, but in my vast experience (:lol:) people that are like that would be that way anyway. I've known several people that are like that and have never smoked, and I know several people that were like that before they started smoking. Not trying to convince you to smoke or anything, but this is just another one of those misconceptions about weed.

The main problem I see with alcohol and weed is the alcoholics and useless stoners.

In moderation, I can see benefits to both substances, without many drawbacks or adverse effects. It's the people who abuse it that make a bad name for drinking and toking.

That said, from what I've seen, it does take a fairly intelligent person with at least a good bit of will power to be able to use either substance regularly and not turn into another idiot stereotype.

Unfortunately, most of the population is made of up retards with the will power of cottage cheese, and we end up with a lot of raging alcoholics and useless stoners.
The main problem I see with alcohol and weed is the alcoholics and useless stoners.

In moderation, I can see benefits to both substances, without many drawbacks or adverse effects. It's the people who abuse it that make a bad name for drinking and toking.

That said, from what I've seen, it does take a fairly intelligent person with at least a good bit of will power to be able to use either substance regularly and not turn into another idiot stereotype.

Unfortunately, most of the population is made of up retards with the will power of cottage cheese, and we end up with a lot of raging alcoholics and useless stoners.

That's actually spot-on man. I agree with it 100%.

Agreed, but that's also why I said there's a discrepancy there. For the record when I said successful/intellectual I meant top of the top smart people. Full time debaters, philosophical educators, the Pope, etc. :P It's not the digression of a person I see in making a habit of smoking weed, rather it's the loss of potential.

Perhaps it's more of a lifestyle than actual physical effect I'm seeing. And people like Cheech and Chong I've known...and you're right, they were going to be like that regardless of what they took (if anything.) And for the record I drink and I smoke tobacco; pipe only, cigarettes never and cigars very rarely. But that's going along with the 'all things in moderation' approach.
It's not the digression of a person I see in making a habit of smoking weed, rather it's the loss of potential.

Perhaps it's more of a lifestyle than actual physical effect I'm seeing.

You make a very, very good point here. The people that generally fall into the lazy stoner/raging alcoholic category are people who have addictive/destructive personalities to begin with, and wouldn't be much better off without alcohol/pot. For whatever reason, those personality types are more often attracted to substance use than those with more motivated/productive qualities.
You make a very, very good point here. The people that generally fall into the lazy stoner/raging alcoholic category are people who have addictive/destructive personalities to begin with, and wouldn't be much better off without alcohol/pot. For whatever reason, those personality types are more often attracted to substance use than those with more motivated/productive personality types.

I agree. Most of my family is like this unfortunately. I think I got out unscathed.


+1 on Cottage Cheese.
Agreed man, very good points and this is basically what I try to explain myself. I understand what you were getting at before now :) As the saying goes, it takes one bad apple to ruin the bunch...

I think that the one thing that is being overlooked is that the bad apples already exist and will continue to be spawned until the end of time. Legalizing wouldn't change anything either way in that respect. I don't even think the amount of people smoking would dramatically increase, I think that the laws are lax enough to the point where the people that want to smoke, do. In reality, as long as the weed wasn't completely government controlled in terms of growing it I don't think much would change for the average pot smoker. The only thing that would change is that growers would be able to better protect their crops and the government gets to tax them for that privilege. It's not really a matter of what people think about the substance its a matter of how to best control it because it's not going away.
I agree full on with Krispies and 006, a destructive/addictive personality is the real downfall of any substance (ab)user. If you can blaze and get (quality) work done, get As on tests (while high :p), and interact well with society, by all means go ahead. There are some people in this world I would strongly recommend smoking pot to, and others who do to stop.
That said, wouldn't it probably compete with cigarette sales?

not at all

i'm an avid weed smoker, and have smoked maybe 3 cigarettes in my life

also, for an example of a successful weed smoker, look at the guy who owns aflac insurance...dude is a HUGE stoner, and spends 1/2 of the year sailing around on his yacht getting blazed

then there's that clinton guy...
Put it this way, my friend Matt is an alcoholic. He will most likely get liver disease and die from it unless he cuts the fuck back and/or stops altogether. He's got a kid coming in 7 months! He can drink enough to where he literally cannot move on his own, I have been called by the bar staff to come up to the bar and get him because he can't even walk. That's a "light" night for him and he pretty much gets plastered every night. His woman works at a restaurant that has a bar as well so... His father died when my friend was like 3 or 4 - from liver disease, he was an alcoholic.

I can smoke enough to make an elephant pass the fuck out and still god damn walk.

I'm so sick of hearing about how alcohol is ok but weed isn't. Bullshit. YOU CANNOT FUNCTION WHEN YOU ARE DRUNK. That's just how it works. That is exactly what alcohol DOES. (this is not directed at you Marcus, :lol:)

And also, I can drive perfectly fine stoned. I can do any activity I normally do when I'm stoned and most people don't even notice that I'm baked. I've never seen double, never felt nauseous, never had a hangover or god awful headache, never been too fucked to drive or do anything else when smoking weed. I just felt good and nothing bad ever happened. Can't say nearly as much for alcohol...I would have to completely disagree with you on the idea that weed distorts perception, in my experience it's the exact opposite, as explained in my last sentence. My perception is not distorted in any way, my reactions may be slower, but not like "holy shit dude, you didn't see that kid run out in the street?!?" Alcohol does distort your perception (double-vision, etc.) and your reaction time is exponentially decreased. Again, this is exactly how alcohol affects your body. Not if you have a couple of beers (i.e. TWO or THREE), but I can smoke a shitload of weed and have no problems. Let me chug 5 or 6 beers and you'd better take my keys away. Case in point right thurrrrrrrr.




I don't think the positive benefits become realized until a bit of tolerance is built up. It's almost like the body adapts to process the substance better. I haven't had any of the classic side effects like red eyes, increased appetite and slower reaction time in many years. The people that have outrageous hallucinogenic trips from weed are the ones who have no tolerance to it.

Something interesting to add is that the human brain naturally has cannabinoid receptors and the human brain produces it's own endocannabinoids. The lack of receptors in the medulla significantly reduces the possibility of accidental or even deliberate death from THC and the lack of receptors in the mesocorticolimbic pathway significantly reduces the risks of addiction and serious physical dependence.

In comparison to most drugs, illicit or not, including over the counter and prescribed medications weed is quite safe. We've all seen the adverts on tv for all sorts of brand new, straight out of the pill press medications and the side effects they state are insane! In comparison marijuana has thousands of years of safe medicinal and recreational use behind it without any serious side effects.

We can blame ************** and plastics companies for weed being made illegal. The invention of nylon by the DuPont Corp. was a major contributing factor for this. "Phase out hemp and we'll be rich!".
Is because the spam, theres a lot of that kind of spam on forums, so by banning those words the spammers looses interest in announcing where they cannot write what they are "promoting"