I know how to revive the American economy.

History shows prohibition doesn't work. History also shows that the lack of a "pot law" does not mean the sky will fall or the planet will implode: Life will go on normally.
In the summer of 2004, the marijuana law was struck down in Canada as being unconstitutional. The feds scrambled & got a new law in place about six months later... but for a very nice six months, fear of the cops wasn't an issue. Locally, there was a rally on the steps of the police station where everyone sparked one up :)

Personally, it's not my thing, but far be it from me to tell anyone they can't. Hell, more than half the musicians that come into my studio are potheads!
If it's legalized, you take organized crime out of the equation. I don't buy the bullshit about it being a "gateway drug" but if you do, logic demands that you accept that the greatest gateway drug of all is alcohol.
We're very close to nationally decriminalizing it here in Canada, we just need a change at the top of government to get the ball rolling again.

Unfortunately, in the US, you're fighting 25 years of a useless 'war on drugs' propaganda campaign as well as a major component of the population that's superstitious. I wish you guys luck in educating the population far enough to get votes.
Unfortunately, in the US, you're fighting 25 years of a useless 'war on drugs' propaganda campaign as well as a major component of the population that's superstitious. I wish you guys luck in educating the population far enough to get votes.

the problem is that "the population" aren't the ones who decide shit on the federal level. the majority of the public have already made it known, through dozens of laws passed over the last decade at state and local levels, that they have little to no problem with marijuana use.

however, until a majority of the US congress is convinced enough to overturn the existing laws, nothing will change
spioraid: What you mean to say is that they haven't admitted to smoking pot ;) Let me tell you something mang, if you ever met me in person when I was pretty ripped, you would have no idea. I interact with my parents quite a bit when completely blown...they have no clue. I go to work high every once in a while these days. I'm the manager. The owner of the store, my employees and my customers cannot tell. I would venture to say if you interacted with 10 people a day, at least 1 of them probably smokes, or may have even been high when you interacted with them, and you had no idea. Maybe a little exaggerated but it's pretty close. I didn't realize how many people really smoke until I started. Tons. And that's just within the people I hang with and the acquaintances I have made through friends of friends, etc.

Side effects? Like what? Are you referring to those people reminiscent of characters like cheech & chong? People like that were not made that way by weed, my friend. They were that type of person to begin with...I won't say weed didn't help, but in my vast experience (:lol:) people that are like that would be that way anyway. I've known several people that are like that and have never smoked, and I know several people that were like that before they started smoking. Not trying to convince you to smoke or anything, but this is just another one of those misconceptions about weed.


Why do you smoke dope then if it doesn't change you at all? Seems a bit pointless! Why not just suck a lollipop?