I know, I know, it's been covered A LOT - but Mesa OS or Trad. 4x12?


Feb 20, 2005
Ok, I know this is a topic as old as the ages, but I wanted to ask you guys what your feelings are in a direct comparison between a Rectifier/Standard/Oversized 4x12 and a Stiletto/Traditional 4x12. Both a) to let new people chime in and b) in case anyone has changed their minds. I know tons of great recordings have been done with the OS, but I feel like for the kind of tone I like (Opeth's "Ghost Reveries" is one of my favorites, for example), a more traditional cab might be better. Then again, my Bogner OS 2x12 w/ V30s that I just sold was clangy/fizzy in the upper mids, so I don't wanna go TOO traditional...
FWIW I prefer the Traditional "in the room" due to tight Lows and nice full Mids. Recorded I prefer the Standard due to the lack of the annoying fizz that lives around 5.7kHz. For a rough comparison here are some pics of the frequency response of the same guitar/amp/riff played through both cabs mic'd in a similar position.



NOTE: If you click the thumbnails the following pages may contain some nudie bits, maybe NSFW.
Dude, that is absolutely perfect - nothing like quantifiable proof to set my mind at ease! Thanks a ton Hack, I take it that's why you wanted to get rid of your Traditional, even if it was the legendary impulse-generator? Have you replaced it yet?
My next question is, does anyone know how long the Mesa Recto straight-baffle cabs have been on the market? Cuz it seems like up until recently their "bottom" cabs still had an angled baffle, just with an overhang on the top. I ask because I've yet to see a straight-baffle recto cab for sale sale, and I really really want one - but I'm seeing a lot of amazing deals for angled-baffle cabs (in the $400 range), so it's hard to resist if I don't know whether I'm likely to find a used straight-baffle...
never seen one on the second hand market yet.

that difference in freq responce is just weird, what would cancel those high freq's on the oversized cab ? Can't find a logical answer for that.
...that difference in freq responce is just weird, what would cancel those high freq's on the oversized cab ? Can't find a logical answer for that.

I agree, it seems strange to look at. Here are the clips. Matt Smith (posts here and Theocracy forum) made them. I spoke to him and he said the only post processing was HP and LP filter, no cuts.

Metaltastic, why the desire for the straight baffle? My Traditional was a straight baffle but now I am leaning towards a slant so I have more tonal variations when the cab is mic'd. Also, still deciding on the ENGL Pro or Mesa OS. $400 for a Mesa OS, that makes me sick, even second had you are looking at around $1500 here, or around $2000 new even with our dollar close to yours. Someone is making bucketloads'o'cash importing these things.

Pics showing from 0 - 16kHz:



Looking at a wider spectrum doesn't look as weird.

NOTE: If you click the thumbnails the following pages may contain some nudie bits, maybe NSFW.
Metaltastic, why the desire for the straight baffle? My Traditional was a straight baffle but now I am leaning towards a slant so I have more tonal variations when the cab is mic'd. Also, still deciding on the ENGL Pro or Mesa OS. $400 for a Mesa OS, that makes me sick, even second had you are looking at around $1500 here, or around $2000 new even with our dollar close to yours. Someone is making bucketloads'o'cash importing these things.


I dunno, I figured a straight baffle would be easier to mic, but I'm since changing my tune with things like this available (and if anyone here in the NY area snatches this from me before I get the money together I am going to kick you so hard in the nuts... :mad: ). And yeah, $400-$500 is ridiculously cheap considering they're like $950 new, but there are just so fucking many of them that it's unlikely people will be able to sell one for much more. And I know $950 is cheap for you out-of-US'ers as well, that really seems like a douche maneuver on the part of Mesa or whoever imports them, but it's not something I have to complain about :heh:

And thanks a ton for the cab comparo! I saw it in another thread, but the link was dead. :cry:
Wow, listening to that cab comparo, I'm pretty sure I prefer the Traditional...godammit, more indecision, but I'll probably get the OS, make the best of it for awhile, and then compare it to some others and see what I think (for that price, it's not like I'm gonna lose anything!)
in the room i prefered my traditional stanted, the oversized had a bit too much boom.

but then again, i didn't compare them miced up.

might get one of those oversized blackstar cabs soon, they are pretty cheap here, like 600 Euro's newprice.
I heard those clips a while back and preferred the Traditional. I currently have the mesa standard/oversized 2x12 and just picked up a traditional 4x12 with a strait front for $400 plus shipping. It should be here next week. Having both these cabs should be a pretty flexible solution.

I'll post my impressions of the traditional when I have some time to record it.
I'm not entirely convinced that the huge difference in frequency response in Matt Smith's clips is due to the cab... I get similar differences between individual speakers in my cab. I could be wrong, though.
I heard those clips a while back and preferred the Traditional. I currently have the mesa standard/oversized 2x12 and just picked up a traditional 4x12 with a strait front for $400 plus shipping. It should be here next week. Having both these cabs should be a pretty flexible solution.

I'll post my impressions of the traditional when I have some time to record it.
Hey Yarrick, did you get your traditional cab yet?
let me know!!
Hey Yarrick, did you get your traditional cab yet?
let me know!!

I did and I love it! The lows are tighter than the oversized cab which makes it easier to control the low end in a mix (especially when layering tracks). It also has more pronounced mids.

I'm nearly done mixing a song (its a cover of Saints by Destroy the Runner) and I used the traditional cab for micing the guitars. I'll post a clip of the song when the mix is complete.

I don't think you can go wrong with either the traditional/stiletto or the standard/oversized mesa 4x12s. Each has their own sound and whichever suits your style the best is the one to pickup. (As it turns out, I'm a traditional guy)
I did and I love it! The lows are tighter than the oversized cab which makes it easier to control the low end in a mix (especially when layering tracks). It also has more pronounced mids.

I'm nearly done mixing a song (its a cover of Saints by Destroy the Runner) and I used the traditional cab for micing the guitars. I'll post a clip of the song when the mix is complete.

I don't think you can go wrong with either the traditional/stiletto or the standard/oversized mesa 4x12s. Each has their own sound and whichever suits your style the best is the one to pickup. (As it turns out, I'm a traditional guy)

Glaad to know you like it!
Of course I'd like to hear those clips, let me know when you're done.
I know it'a a preference thing but I'll be using it mainly to record other people than me so...I'll try to take a day off and go try them out.
Does anybody here can tell me if this guy is using a traditinal or oversized cab?

It's a sum 41 cover, not metal at all but that tone would be really usable with a punk band in my opinion.
From pictures I saw, I think this is an oversized cab because it looks to be larger than the head...I might be wrong.
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Ok today I wnt to the store and tried the stileto cab, they didn't have the oversized one...but I also tried a marshall 1960tv.
I didn't like the mesa so much...it sound kindda fake to me, not musical...
Don't know what to think, I prefered the 1960tv, it was a lot more musical, I'll still have to try the oversixed though.