I know most of you guys don't really like metal

Yeah, I hate metal. Bunch of screamers, if you ask me. Especially Maudlins of the well and their boring sideproject.
Too modern-sounding for me. Oh man, how can I explain what I just said? I have a tolerance for some similar stuff but it's really on the whole too detached aesthetically from what I enjoy, in terms of metal, which you say this is. Reminds me of City-era SYL with more breaks.

It's not so much that this is alien to me or that I don't understand where it's coming from... I guess modernity isn't my problem at all. It's mechanical battery with people screaming on top, the emotive range of that sort of thing seems limited to me, and what was done in it has already been done. But then again, it's only one track, for all I know you guys cover a wider spectrum elsewhere.

What I can tell you is that it seems very well performed, and I guess non-myspace encodings probably sound pretty awesome too.
well SYL - City is like my favorite album ever and that cold, modern, screaming thing is pretty much what we do and like, so the fact that you don't like it is very encouraging and tells me that we are going in the right direction haha (if that makes sense)

not much more philosophy to the music or "emotive range" just making the metal happen :) that was the point of my subject line, like, not really the stuff you guys here like, but since I post here, might as well share.

hey, i've had Draconic mp3s on my player for years! when they come up in shuffle I generally think "who is this? this is pretty good!" before checking and being like "oh, the SERB"

i'll listen to the new stuff when I get to an audioable computer!
Really, really great! I think this SYL/Meshuggah/Soilwork inspired stuff is the next big thing (insofar as that happens in metal), know what I mean?
thanks for the comments.

xfer, that old draconic I wasn't a part of. Actually it was just th keyboardist from the current band. I don't really like it, it's like keyboard heavy black metal Coventant Nexus Polris type stuff.

sandfire pretty much gets what we are doing. syl mesh soilwork. most of the songs aren't this fast and have more groove oriented riffs, like soilwork but significantly proggier. and we do have those gay choruses in a lot of the songs for the girls to sing, because we do like to drink and get laid a lot.
Sure, those bands on their own have become very popular in the last few years. I guess what I mean is that bands who mix up all three of those styles (industrial melodic death post-thrash) and doing it in a palatable way are getting hyped. Mnemic comes to mind, and Threat Signal.