We have a reasonably sized Albanian mafia, yes. We had a huge refugee wave 10-15 years ago. Most integrated well. If you're interested in the Greek Racists lol! thing: on the whole they hate albanians much more than the turks. There's an odd streak of anti-semetism here too, but that never resulted to action, just a lot of 'they're taking over the world!' talk. During WWII the greeks sheltered a lot of jews so in the end I'm not sure what the extent of that one is. I just get really weirded out 'cause you can usually spot bigots and idiots a mile away most of the time, but you may be chatting with someone you just met and be thinking what a wonderful person they might be than blam, they hate jews. Strange.
Pakistani people have a hard time here too, even the hookers won't have them. The pakistani refugees live by the dozen in a single appartment, so they rotate who the 'woman' is weekly. Until one of them starts to like his turn and draw it out for more than a week. This is an anecdote that tells us a lot about human nature.
The only black people we get are trying to sell us CDs. I'm not sure how this goes, do they arrive at port and they're handed packs of illegally copied cds and told 'roam the land!' or what?
How is it in Serbia, are you still digging up these phantom mass graves?