So I began classes for my masters this past Saturday. When the first professor handed out his curriculum, I learned that I have an oral presentation due October 6th. I spoke to him briefly about it after class, and was informed that I needed to discuss rescheduling it with the another professor (who handles the public speaking sub-section of this class). She is suppose to be in this Saturday.
At my second class, the curriculum revealed I have a mid-term on October 6th. When I saw that, I said to myself, "Fuck it... PPVIII isn't to be.".
After contemplating my options, I've decided I'll talk to the first professor, and if she's cool with allowing me to do the presentation on another date, I'll discuss a different date for my mid-term with my 2nd professor. The mid-term is open book/open notes, so I'm hoping that translates into him being flexible.
Perhaps a note from Glenn would help.![]()
So I began classes for my masters this past Saturday. When the first professor handed out his curriculum, I learned that I have an oral presentation due October 6th. I spoke to him briefly about it after class, and was informed that I needed to discuss rescheduling it with the another professor (who handles the public speaking sub-section of this class). She is suppose to be in this Saturday.
At my second class, the curriculum revealed I have a mid-term on October 6th. When I saw that, I said to myself, "Fuck it... PPVIII isn't to be.".
After contemplating my options, I've decided I'll talk to the first professor, and if she's cool with allowing me to do the presentation on another date, I'll discuss a different date for my mid-term with my 2nd professor. The mid-term is open book/open notes, so I'm hoping that translates into him being flexible.
Perhaps a note from Glenn would help.![]()
LOL. Trust me, I'm very much looking forward to being available to buy those beers.My first 2 beers was to be on you if you recall. You have to be there. Hope things work out for you!
Thanks.Good luck, Zod! With your Masters...
I'm not sure what this has to do with my PP thingy. Get your mind out of the gutter....and PP thingy!
LOL. If all else fails, I just may have to resort to that.Just tell your prof's to kneel and do what they are told.
I'm not sure what this has to do with my PP thingy. Get your mind out of the gutter.
You're not going to be there? That sucks.Damn, seems a lot of regulars won't, or might not, make it this year. Even though I won't be there for sure, I hope everyone else's situations work out for them.
Yeah... it's all quite screwed up. If circumstances were different, I might be tempted to put this off for a semester. However, my company, like many Fortune 100s, is going through a massive outsourcing effort. And while my group isn't in scope, it seems they won't be content until all that's left is Project Managers and sales people. So, while the getting is good and my while my company is willing to pay for it, I want to quickly add an MSIS to my resume.Dear Professor:
While I understand that school and schooling are very important in life...
Please take this with you:
Dear Professor:
While I understand that school and schooling are very important in life, there are certian things in life that are just as important. Such as actually living. While making good money and having an education behind you makes life easier, what is the point of living if you are not able to actually enjoy it while you can?
There is a conflict in Mr. Zod's schedule. This date has been set aside for nearly a year, and the anticipation for both Zod and the people who he will encounter has grown at an increasing rate since the date was known of this event.
I would respectfully request that you allow Mr. Zod to take this exam at either and earlier date or later date as I can only assume that if he takes it on that day, his mind will be other places and he will be filled with regret and remorse.
Thank you,
So I began classes for my masters this past Saturday. When the first professor handed out his curriculum, I learned that I have an oral presentation due October 6th. I spoke to him briefly about it after class, and was informed that I needed to discuss rescheduling it with the another professor (who handles the public speaking sub-section of this class). She is suppose to be in this Saturday.
At my second class, the curriculum revealed I have a mid-term on October 6th. When I saw that, I said to myself, "Fuck it... PPVIII isn't to be.".
After contemplating my options, I've decided I'll talk to the first professor, and if she's cool with allowing me to do the presentation on another date, I'll discuss a different date for my mid-term with my 2nd professor. The mid-term is open book/open notes, so I'm hoping that translates into him being flexible.
Perhaps a note from Glenn would help.![]()
That analysis is dead on. I've had that trouble in the past as well. Trying to explain to a long-time girlfriend at the time (who was not interested in metal), that a concert was not more important than her, but that PP weekend is indeed more than just a concert was impossible. I spend like 25 straight weekends with her, then go to PP only to have it come back to haunt me on the home front from someone who cannot possibly understand the importance of trips like this.
And if this doesn't work, I can make them an offer they can't refuse.~C
We will pull up in a black van, cannonballing a shopping cart in the process. Grab you and throw you in the back, and tell your professors if they don't let you see the show we will fucking kill them.
Then we will say just kidding he will be back in class by the 9th.
</old school>
I am extremely thankful that I've been attending ProgPower longer than I've been married. When I met my wife PP was already something I did every year, it's a tradition that pre-dates her. I quit smoking for her. I sold my motorcycle for her. She hasn't even hinted that I shouldn't go to ProgPower. Some things just aren't negotiable.
Yeah, I'm a confirmed no show this year. Hope your situation works out for you, though.You're not going to be there? That sucks.
By the way, I never noticed the tag line below your avatar. Awesome