I love hearing this???!!!


Contagious Destruction
Dec 31, 2006
Everytime i talk to a band or a or even a studio tech and i hear " I/we did this with protools, or? Wanna join my band we got Protools!! " and everytime i hear the demo its muddy, the kick is weak, the guitars are WWAAAYYYY to fizzy and the mix is aweful!!!!!!!! How can you charge someone for that
Im like dude i understand PT is great, but its not about the DAW man!!!
I mean im nnnoooo expert or even ever recorded anyone but myself
but i KNOW i could make better sounding shit then that
Sometimes show people the music i have and they say "its cause he uses pro tools"
Then i go " i dont use pro tools, never used protools so the answer is no i dont use pro tools!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Man sorry i had to vent :goggly:
I think ProTools has become for DAWs what Kleenex is for tissues and QTip (sp? I'm not American don't have the brand here ;p) is for earbuds.. I hate it but thats the way it is. People often say if drums are too heavily edited or whatever that it sounds too "ProTools"d.
"it aint got that boom man
i use this behringer thing here, and its good

it does all this playback stuff on its own so its good

protools just don't got that boom
use this behringer and you'll be happy"


Haha I hear ya man... the people who think Pro Tools is anything more than just a (rather large) bunch of zeros and ones are just stupid. It's not your fault they don't have a higher IQ than room temperature, so just laugh them in the face next time instead :D

In digital audio, every DAW is pretty much the same when it comes to sound quality. Sure, different DAWs do things differently but for universes' sake, one DAW doesn't make any raw material go "BOOOOOOOOOOOM" on its own :heh:
Hahaha I like that idea! A goddamn forced subdrop on every 4 bars, no matter what music.... awesome idea :D

Imagine that, you're working on a very nice mellow song with some acoustic guitars and you've got this girl on the mic who just sings with a beautiful voice, and every 4 bars it's like "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM MOTHERFUCKER YEAAAAAH THIS IS THE DAW! BOOOOOOOOOOM!!!". Owned.
On a sorta related note to original post, you know what annoys me?
There's like.. 3 or some shit like that around here.

I mean, fuck, way to fucking KILL AN INDUSTRY.
I'm here trying to get some fucken money so I can EAT and this guy's like YEAH WE'LL BEAT THAT GUYS PRICE AND GIVE YOU A MIX THAT DOESN'T SOUND MIXED.
Seriously. I shit out better sounding raw mixes than these studios' final ones, and hell, I'm not arrogant or anything, but GODFUCKINDAMN.
Probably because they use protools. HA.
