I may have just seen the worst/funniest thing ever


I see dumb people
Mar 21, 2002
West Lafayette, IN
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Has anyone heard of this band Andrew w.k.? Apparently they're on ozzfest or something, but i just saw his music video for his song 'Party Hard'. The reason it's funny is 'cause these guys try SO hard to be metal, but the guitar part is so pop and cheesy, it's hilarious. You have to see the video, he's tryin to be all metal, he's got the long hair, he's thrashin' around and kinda growling instead of sining, with this really cheesy guitar part and singing "Party Hard" over and over again. :lol: :lol:

Has anyone else seen this? It's terrible and yet so funny at the same time.

ed. The guy's CD cover shows him with a bloody nose. Apparently he smashed his face with a brick to get it like that. He tries so hard!! :lol: :lol:
lol, I've seen that video. Yes it is pathetic. Theres is nothing fucking hard about them. Just the lead singer guy is an idiot. For making a song called "Party Hard" with a sound like that, and a look like that, they should be shipped off to some island where they would be eaten alive.
The drummer is John Tardy from Obituary... laugh that up as well, and the fact that Andrew WK is supposedly a classically trained pianist.. so you'd figure he knows a bit more about how to write some shit.

Also, look up the tracklisting for his CD, he has FOUR fucking songs about partying.. and if THAT doesnt scream "I hope college kids buy my CD", I dont know what does.

He's now at the very bottom of my list of bands, along with Limp Bizkit and Metallica.

LOL... i saw that CD in KMART and was wonderin what that black tape was covering up... now i know LOL... if he actually WAS a metal band, i'd understand the cover... BUT HE ISNT HEAVY!!!! so fuck him, shame whatever did the bloody nose didnt finish the job
Its Donald Tardy from Obituary, John (brother) was the singer. As a huge Obituary/Donald fan (I used to play to all the old Obituary records when I was starting out because I could do it, and the parts are still really cool) Anyway, yeah, the band fucking blows, every goddamned song is the same. Believe me, I tried to like it because of Donald, but holy fuck its the worst crap on the planet, and 7 out of the 8 songs that I got (yes I REALLY tried) are the exact same damned thing. The one song is a little slower. All the others have the same chorus but different words. They are on Saturday Night Live tonight with the rock, and I am taping it because I love Donald Tardy, but still hope he gets all the money he was hoping to get out of this venture and goes to play in more metal bands. He was Six Feet Under's drum tech, because their drummer was his drum tech in Obituary, and I guess that wasn't enough money.
Yeah, it SUCKS. Supposedely, he is a very talented musician. I also heard he tried to make it in England but couldn't. Anyone remember Manitoba's Wild Kingdom? (A FORMER MANOWAR guitarist played for them, I think Ross "THE BOSS") They had a song called "The Party Start's Know" and Andrew W.K."s is "Party Hard". This shit is HORRIBLE.
Hehe, The music is a joke. I first saw them on top of the pops here in england and with no sound they actually looked like decent metal band with them all headbanging and that until i heard the music all about partying. How scary is that, what a satanist.

I dont know how this guy got his song in the charts. It must have been a fix just like all the other music these days, but i get the impression its was a label attempt to make this music big just like they do with all pop bands of today but it obviously didnt work.

i remember someone telling me that for the above photo he actually wanted the blood on his face to be his own, so he tried hitting his face with a brick but it was unsuccessful so they had to settle with the local butchers offering.
