i mean.. save your money, important, READ, etc. (Matrix Reloaded (spoilers maybe))


Nov 9, 2001
I saw this last night and was pretty disappointed. It was *okay* and some parts were really really neat. But the negatives were oh so negative:

1) there's this dance party scene in Zion. Why the hell did they free the minds of all the party people? Where are all the smart people? Also this party scene is seriously an implied orgy. Nipples everywhere.

2) In the fight scene where Neo is fighting the hundreds of Smiths, you can actually *see* the frames switch from photography to 100% cgi. Like, watch Keanu's face. It looks like the fucking Sims.

3) The fight scenes were stupid. It was all meager Kung Fu. I mean, Neo can fly like a rocket in this movie. And you know how there's that whole bending of the spoon allegory in the first movie? So there's a fight scene in Reloaded where everyone is using swords and axes. Why doesn't Neo do something like cause the blades of the swords to bend around and hit the very people who are holding the sword? Or he stops a wall of bullets and they fall to the ground. So why doesn;t he do something like make them rise up again and continue at an opportune moment? What I'm basically saying is, the action was really uncreative with the potential they had. Also Morpheus fighting is dumb, he looks SO SLOW.

4) There's a highway chase scene that lasts for like HALF AN HOUR. It's seriously cars flipping over for 30 minutes. GET ON WITH IT, already. I was actually bored.

5) There's some cheesiness.

But I went with Mia so it was a great time anyway. Whee.
They haven't blown it, i mean i'm interested in the story line and want to see the next one, but they didn't take advantage of things that they could have and it was pretty uncreativem which bothered me.

Also I was SHOCKED that Neo looked like a Sim in some of the action shots.

However there was a preview for Terminator 3 and Freddy vs Jason which both looked pretty neat!
some kid came into the office right now and said he saw it twice yesterday and that it rocked.

I'll wait till i see T3 to be certain but in my mind there is no need for it and the previews i saw never looked that great.
the T3 previews I've seen all looked pretty lame. Xmen 2 is seriously the fucking BO BOMB DIGGITY SHIZNIT though.

And I'm still pretty psyched just for the chase scene and whatnot, but I"m a sucker for that kind of thing. I'm glad to hear this tough, I'll lower my expectations.

how about the preview for the LEAGUE!?!? LOOKS PRETTY NIFTY!!
if movies didn't cost like $9 and the theatres weren't always full of raging morons, I might actually go see one of these dealies.

otherwise it's all just art-house matinees for meeeeee
so i should expect you to say the same thing then when baliset, azal, vangelicsurgeon, novemberspaul, kleo, and bigfakesmile all get back from metalfest this weekend, say most of the bands sucked, but that they had fun anyway because they got to hang out with each other.

