For JayKeeley (was "The Matrix - Revolutions")

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
JayKeeley said:
Right, because The Matrix was the first film to show people punching and kicking each other. But if those are the only two movies you've ever seen, then I guess it makes total sense.:loco:
After reading this comment, I had to go back and watch "Kill Bill" a second time. I could have sworn I remembered a ton of Matrix-like style to the fight scenes. However, I was wrong. I was thinking of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". I believe I saw "CT,HD" on DVD the same weekend I saw "Kill Bill" in the theaters. Anyhow, you could see why I'd get the two confused; both were martial arts flicks, both used sub-titles, and both couldn't have possibly sucked more ass.

Though I didn't like it at all (fell asleep half way through it), I can see the appeal of "CT,HD". But for the life of me, I can't understand what is redeeming about "Kill Bill". I have liked everything else Tarantino has ever done, so I'll give him a pass here. However, when I think about Tarantino’s films, I think "superb dialogue and interesting characters". “Kill Bill” had none of that. It's a simple revenge plot, with remedial dialogue, characters with no depth, and requires more suspension of disbelief than your average film starring The Rock. Let's forget for a second that for some bizarre reason Uma’s legs have atrophied, but her arms have not. The movie's climatic scene has a skinny white chick wiping out the entire Japanese mafia. If Uma wasn't in it, who I'd pay to watch read the Yellow Pages, I wouldn't have lasted 30 minutes into the movie.

The only interesting question this movie raises is, would you have sex with a comatose Uma Thurman?

I do actually own a "Pussy Wagon". :loco:

Kill Bill is not the best Tarrantino film, and neither is it his worst. That title belongs to the godawful Jackie Brown. Kill Bill is Tarrantino doing a simple martial arts movie - an ode to the old HK and Japanese genre of martial arts and Samurai sword play. It is obviously nothing like Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs, True Romance, or Natural Born Killers. Bear in mind though, when Tarrantino delivered the goods, it was typically because he had a decent co-writer. I mean, does anyone here even remember the name, "Roger Avary"? Talk about unsung hero.

Also, take into account that Tarrantino is a MASTER of plagiarism. He doesn't even deny it. Resevoir Dogs was a complete rip off of Tai Seng's City on Fire starring Chow Yun Fat. It also copied elements of the Taking of Pelham 123 (Highly underrated suspense thriller by the way). His script to True Romance was a near copy of Badlands starring Martin Sheen. Hans Zimmer even copied the title music.

And so on.

In any case, I agree that The Matrix is a better film than Kill Bill. However, are the Matrix sequels better?
JayKeeley said:
Kill Bill is not the best Tarrantino film, and neither is it his worst. That title belongs to the godawful Jackie Brown.

JayKeeley said:
Kill Bill is Tarrantino doing a simple martial arts movie - an ode to the old HK and Japanese genre of martial arts and Samurai sword play.
Perhaps if I had a greater appreciation for that genre, I would have enjoyed this film more.

JayKeeley said:
It is obviously nothing like Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs, True Romance, or Natural Born Killers.
I was unaware that "True Romance" was a Tarratino film. That movie if one of my all-time favs. The scene between Walken and Hopper is classic.

JayKeeley said:
Also, take into account that Tarrantino is a MASTER of plagiarism. He doesn't even deny it. Resevoir Dogs was a complete rip off of Tai Seng's City on Fire starring Chow Yun Fat. It also copied elements of the Taking of Pelham 123 (Highly underrated suspense thriller by the way). His script to True Romance was a near copy of Badlands starring Martin Sheen. Hans Zimmer even copied the title music.
Interesting, I didn't know any of that.

JayKeeley said:
In any case, I agree that The Matrix is a better film than Kill Bill. However, are the Matrix sequels better?
Well, given that I didn't think "Kill Bill" was any good, I'd say yes. Apparently I'm in the minority on this board, but I really enjoyed "Revolutions".

Nah, I loved Revolutions as well - not so much for the plot, which still doesn't make much sense to me (in a lack of cohesion kind of way, not a too-dumb-to-understand way), but the action scenes are incredible - a showcase of exactly what $110 million of special effects looks like, and some stunning action cinematography.
General Zod said:
I was unaware that "True Romance" was a Tarratino film. That movie if one of my all-time favs. The scene between Walken and Hopper is classic.
Yes - that scene made movie history. Tarrantino wrote the script for TR, and he liked what Tony Scott did with it. He also wrote the script to NBK but hated Oliver Stone's interpretation. Famous directors typically start off writing scripts for a living. M Night Shyamalan wrote Stuart Little believe it or not, and Oliver Stone wrote Conan the Barbarian.

If you haven't checked out Roger Avary's Killing Zoe, that's pretty cool too. Eric Stoltz is at his all time best.

dill_the_devil said:
Nah, I loved Revolutions as well - not so much for the plot, which still doesn't make much sense to me (in a lack of cohesion kind of way, not a too-dumb-to-understand way), but the action scenes are incredible - a showcase of exactly what $110 million of special effects looks like, and some stunning action cinematography.
CGI special effects be damned! Script! Script! Script! :grin:
Yea, Tarrantino's script for NBK was butchered during the creation of the movie, effectively disembowling and changing many of the main elements of the movie. I still think that Natural Born Killers was excellent though.
Spend some time caving in Wales until the fancy takes you - you could easily redefine the word 'potholing'... actually, this conversation reminds me of a picture I saw of some Spanish guy who'd been crushed to death by a falling boulder while he was fucking a chicken. Just thought I'd share. Actually, I'll see if I can find the photo...