Steve and THE MATRIX


New Metal Member
Sep 6, 2002
Las Vegas, NV
I was over at and noticed one of Steve's favorite flicks was The Matrix.....I wonder what he thought about the sequel and what he'll think about the third film.

If ya read this Steve, what'd you think of the sequel? I know a lot of fans of the first film were really let down, but I rather enjoyed it. Not going into it really expecting a great deal probably was a good part of the reason why I liked it so much, but I may overkill the third film with hype after liking the 2nd one so much.

Any other members on the board have an opinion on the first film and its transition to sequels?
I thought the second movie was better. It made the worlds feel bigger and unlike the first film where there was only two sides, good and bad, here you felt everyone had their own agenda.
The first movie was nice, kind of new, fun stuff. The sequel was interesting, but that computer-renderized fighting scenes were stupid. Blade 2 style. Almost Power Rangers style.

They should focus on the story, and forget about the "bullet time - Wushia action" bullshit.
Blade 2 was horrid duirng the fight scene in front of the looked like claymations a few times

It's noticable in the 2nd matrix, but I didn't notice until i watched a DVD featurette that the cars on the highway when Trinity rides into oncomming traffic were all fake except for cars not near her.