i mean.. save your money, important, READ, etc. (Matrix Reloaded (spoilers maybe))

OMG Matrix reloaded was so goddman bad. Worse than I thought it would be, and I was expecting it to be pretty dismal.

The action scenes even sucked! It's like they forgot all the mechanics of how they did those scenes the first time around. It's bad when even the big fights are boring as shit.
FrostGiant said:
Dude, you are so whipped. :D

I got to like 1 movie every 5 years. I usually wait till they come out on dvd or tv or something. Last movie I saw in theatres was Star Wars: Episode I.

toby's so not whipped! i am not the whip-yielding type. :(


i can make these neat evil looking bunny rabbits wearing striped emo sweaters out of pipe cleaners. it's a fact!
FuSoYa said:
so i should expect you to say the same thing . . . when they all get back from metalfest this weekend, say most of the bands sucked, but that they had fun anyway because they got to hang out with each other.

It's a metal and hardcore festival not an icecream social featuring prog bands and pie. So, anyone going expecting to have their socks rocked off constantly is retarded and I would like to sell them some presoiled condoms so they can grow children in their garden.
For me, the highlight was coming home and finding that my kitten was waiting on my bed for me to come back.


p.s. Fest food = the runs = no sleep
p.p.s. kittens forcing open my door so they can get on opposite sides of it and play tag = no sleep
kleo706 said:
It's a metal and hardcore festival not an icecream social featuring prog bands and pie.


and lets see. at least 6 bands on the main stage on day one had awesome sets, and that band with the little leprechaun high pitched hardcore singer (MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD)was totally awesome on an 'imitating him is a good time for all" level.

VangelicSurgeon said:
and lets see. at least 6 bands on the main stage on day one had awesome sets

I brought a promo item by for you on day two. Greg couldn't fit it in his pockets + the Serbian thief hadn't shown up with your bag yet. 'Tis a shame as that little thing absolutely rocked. Speaking of rocking... Frozen is pretty damned great.

OK, you guys are on crack cocaine, obviously.

I saw the matrix reloaded this weekend and it fucking RULED. Granted it wasn't as awesome as the first movie but still...come on you guys. Also it's totally got that 2nd in the trilogy feel to it, just like Empire. So yeah. The highway chase was fucking phenomenal. Agent Smith is an enigma...the french guy was hilarious, and the albinos!! THE ALBINOS!! HOLY SHIT.
don't trust movie reviews from people that loved Strange Days and the Dungeons and Dragons movie. that's all I have to say.
FalseTodd said:
No they shot Reloaded at the same time as Revolutions, which is the third movie, and promises to suck even more dick than this one.

Also Ann & Todd want to know "what's wrong with nipples and orgies?? We would have made them not be tan though, what with them never seeing the sun and all."

I think it was important that there be some kind of Dionesian celebration to vent their pent up emotions but the scene was definitly way too long.
well, i dont know anything about this reloaded crap, 'cept that i thought the original sucked and i cant really get into a film that has no likeable characters. but seriously, meeting dudes from UM at the metalfest was pretty fucking special.
my problem with strange days was that it promised something epic and delivered something pedestrian. i know a ton of great movies can do that and pull it off, and not every movie has to be about saving the world, but strange days just didn't make it happen right. it was decent otherwise, though.
i think i'm the only person alive who hated the matrix 1.

i'm not renting any matrix sequel. if someone has it on, i will leave the room.

also, i liked the x-men 2 enough to see it twice, but the bad parts got worse the second time around. and having seen that - i have to add that every preview i saw should die.