I might lose my job


New Metal Member
Jan 24, 2002
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The funding for my position is getting cut by the end of the year. My boss told me the worst case scenario will be that if they don't get a grant from elsewhere, I might have to take a step down and a pay cut. But as the pessimistic moron that I am, I am of course expecting the worst.

SO! I thought I'd have a bottle of wine and ask all you incredibly wise 13 year olds what you think would be a good alternate career for me! Seriously, what can you think of? I wouldn't mind working a fun job... Sky-diving instructor? I think I have enough saved so I can get certified. Seattle Underground Tour tour guide? Professional UM loser? Saving the turtles at a paradisaic beach somewhere? Rock star? I can actually sing alright...

I'll pass on the suggestions related to pornography, stripping and sex. Thanks!

That's actually a great idea! I love rock climbing, but I am not very seasoned yet... But being unemployed will allow me all the time I need to practice! YEAH!
Oh, I have been going to a climbing gym, but I still look like an idiot when I climb. I definitely don't impress any of the boys.
Oh, I have been going to a climbing gym, but I still look like an idiot when I climb. I definitely don't impress any of the boys.

:lol: Well as long as you can show others what to do, you'll be fine. When I first went to the place near me, all the guys did was show us how to put on the harness/beaner and tie the rope. Then they had volunteers do the actual climbing.
eerrrr....rock climbing?

Be an EMT. It's knowledge that you will use forever, plus, the classes are fun as hell. Well of course i would say that, just don't sell crack.
The funding for my position is getting cut by the end of the year. My boss told me the worst case scenario will be that if they don't get a grant from elsewhere, I might have to take a step down and a pay cut. But as the pessimistic moron that I am, I am of course expecting the worst.

SO! I thought I'd have a bottle of wine and ask all you incredibly wise 13 year olds what you think would be a good alternate career for me! Seriously, what can you think of? I wouldn't mind working a fun job... Sky-diving instructor? I think I have enough saved so I can get certified. Seattle Underground Tour tour guide? Professional UM loser? Saving the turtles at a paradisaic beach somewhere? Rock star? I can actually sing alright...

I'll pass on the suggestions related to pornography, stripping and sex. Thanks!

awww *hugs* I'm sorry about that. But well, I think that if you were serious, Sky-diving instructor is probably a fun job to do. I would totally do that if I wasn't such a pussy :lol:
Class lasts 6 months. But you really have to study all of your life, things change in the field often and you learn something new everyday.
awww *hugs* I'm sorry about that. But well, I think that if you were serious, Sky-diving instructor is probably a fun job to do. I would totally do that if I wasn't such a pussy :lol:

I wasn't completely serious about that:p You know... jumping off of an airplane sounds a bit, hmmm... scary!

Class lasts 6 months. But you really have to study all of your life, things change in the field often and you learn something new everyday.

Is it good money? What kind of hours should I expect to work at an entry level? Can you actually move up as an EMT?

So the most obvious question would be: What are your hobbies?

Well, since you can't make a living out of going to metal gigs and drinking beer, I'm not going to list that... I do belly dance and sing as a hobbie, but at this point in my life I don't know if I could actually reach a professional level doing either.

I third the vote for porn. But only make porn with me.

Believe me, nobody wants to see me naked. But it has crossed my mind to become a foot model! :lol::saint:

Americorps perhaps?

And make $100 a month, if that? Some of the work they do sounds very interesting, but I can see myself getting really bored, really fast. The whole routine and incredibly rigid schedule does not appeal to me:ill:
^i started at $12 an hour with a private ambulance company. Hours range from 10 to 12 hours a day. After you gain experience (1 year is sufficient for most employers.) you can look into working for a hospital, some pay up to $19 an hour. That's fucken awesome for an entry level medical position. I have no idea where you live, for some reason i think you're in south america. ::shrugs:: but as far as moving up you have so many options.

After Emt-Basic, which is what i am and what i am suggesting to you, the next level is EMT-CC (Critical Care) or some call it EMT-Intermediate because it's right in the middle of the list. The Intermediate EMT does all of what the Basic can do, plus a little more i.e IV's, oral medications, IV Meds. That's getting into the ALS (Advanced life support) part of EMS as compared to the BLS(basic life support) that i started out as. Now if you want to move all the way up one day, you don't have to be an EMT-CC/I in order to do so.

After some experience, you can jump right into the EMT-P course, graduates are most commonly referred to as Paramedic's( I know you're not stupid please forgive me for acting like a kindergarten teacher when it comes to explaining things lol). They are the most highly trained and highly paid of health care providers outside of a hospital/private practice office. They can do both the EMT-B and EMT-CC/I stuff along with being able to Intubate via endotracheal trube, or nasotracheal tube. Administer much more medication at the scene and have a lot of cool gadgets.

The paramedics i know who work for the Nassau County Police Department here in LI make $100,000 a year. Hope this helped, this shit is complicated i know but if you get into it, it will clear up and you'll have more understanding of how 911 works. By the way, my class was through a Long Island Health care system and it only cost me $775. But as far as paramedic courses, they can be $7000. BUT, if you volunteer with a fire department that has an ambulance, they pay for the courses for you. SO WIN WIN WIN WIN