zomg i need my guitarz

Wow, you're lucky to even have gear in my opinion. Someone tell Alexi and friends to thank your parents.

True. Emptifier you should be lucky with what you got, some people only have one guitar and basic equipment and others not even that. There are those also, whose parents forbid them from even playing i.e Muhammad Suicmez when he was young.
It was the "I could easily save up that much" comment that made me lose all respect for this 13 year old spoilt twat kid.
first of all im not rich, i was just saying that. and my friends have way better gear then me and they cant play worth crap, not to be offensive to them. but my best friend nicky just got a jackson wrxt warrior, and is going to get a line 6 spider 2 amp. and he just started playing 5 months ago, and he is not very good at all. but whatever if his parents want to drop 600 bucks on him woopdidoo. since no one has given me any good offers, im probably going to buy bobvex's way better price, closer shipping, and its fricken sexy. and the pa2 makes it so i wouldn't have to get an emg 85 or 81. not greatly fond of the white n black, but its still orgasmic
first of all im not rich, i was just saying that. and my friends have way better gear then me and they cant play worth crap, not to be offensive to them. but my best friend nicky just got a jackson wrxt warrior, and is going to get a line 6 spider 2 amp. and he just started playing 5 months ago, and he is not very good at all. but whatever if his parents want to drop 600 bucks on him woopdidoo. since no one has given me any good offers, im probably going to buy bobvex's way better price, closer shipping, and its fricken sexy. and the pa2 makes it so i wouldn't have to get an emg 85 or 81. not greatly fond of the white n black, but its still orgasmic
you ever think of borrowing your friends gear for graduation?
What's the price of this guitar, anybody knows ?
