I need to get my DIGITAL PIANO, help!


† Followed the Reaper †
Mar 23, 2005
Okay so I've been thinking for a long time it would be super cool to make my own music, but I've not had money to even think about buying a digital piano / keyboard, but now I do.

So are the other instrument sounds already stored in the piano? Cuz if not, I have many friends who play different instruments, some in bands, and I could go and record the sounds to their rehearsal camps..

And just tell me something about making own music with these things.
I need to get lessons on piano playing also..? o_O
How much do you have'to know about composing to write a song on a keyboard? You have the guitar/bass/drum sounds there so it should be possible.. I've always thought about something that's a mix of heavy metal, techno and rap..
There you go:

what do you call metal isntruments?

anyways: at Sziget festival I watched a rap band and they played drums, electric and bassguitar (of course not distorted), etc... But that doesn't mean it's metal+rap...
dude there are no "metal instruments" only instruments and you can decide what do you want to play on them