I mixed an epic band...

Aug 9, 2010
but unfortunately I didn't record them. So I just got their DIs and a MIDI file for the drums.
Please tell me what I think. I really dig what they do and want to deliver them a nice sound.

What I like is the guitar sound and the overall mix so far, but I'm not sure about this drum tone. Especialy the cymbals sound too programmed.
I'm downloading some Sturgis cymbals right now and gonna trie them out with this mix. I'll keep you updated. :)

Please leave me some thoughts about that mix.. :)

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10409472/OGD Mix6.mp3
this mix is divine, the guitars sound perfect!
good job man, what was yoru signal chain on the guitars for the d.is & vox / processing?
i've had abit of trouble with vocals lately, just waves c1 comp > waves reverb, have no clue on them at the mo
awesome mix man,

i can hear some kinda large room verb on guitars, and the snare.

its maybe not so transparent on the guitars maybe just a smidge, but too transparent on the snare if you ask me. maybe eq the verb around 800hz, take some of that s*** outta there.

the backgroud guitars that are chugging sit well in the mix, but the guitars that are playing chords have too much 2-4 k for me. its just a little harsh compared to the rest of the mix.

also toms seem scooped. just leave em alone and notch out the crap. notch out the box to it and you wont have a boxy tom.