I need a Growling How-To T_T


teh Jörgsche O.ô
Jul 23, 2003
Berlin, Germany.
Yes, I do need one. -_- Anybody knows how to Growl and can teach it so I can understand it? It didn't help much when I crawled through the Blind Guardian Official Forums and discovered the smart idea of "letting it flow from your stomach". Didn't help, since I don't know HOW. x.x
..What does this mean? A_A; I don't know _how_ to growl as in "not knowing how to produce growling noises which aren't coming from the larynx but from the stomach because the voice gets destroyed the other way". x_x

What i;m gonna say will be easy if you study biology and hard if you dont :loco:


When growling, suck in your stomach and pull up the diaphragm (the sheet of muscle below your stomach. While doing this, make your mouth an O shape speak making your voice as low as possible.
You shouldn't require your vocal chords for this. Make all sound with the diaphragm and not the throat else,you'll be left without a voice for days.
NeedledWarheart said:

What i;m gonna say will be easy if you study biology and hard if you dont :loco:

Does this mean I gotta study biology for becoming a Death Metal Vocalist? Like every Death Metal Vocalist? ^_~ j/k..

NeedledWarheart said:

When growling, suck in your stomach and pull up the diaphragm (the sheet of muscle below your stomach. While doing this, make your mouth an O shape speak making your voice as low as possible.
You shouldn't require your vocal chords for this. Make all sound with the diaphragm and not the throat else,you'll be left without a voice for days.

First at all: Thanks. A Lot. ^^

Mh, I dunno but _where_ actually is the diaphragm? It's not in my English-German Dictionary and.. well, a "Diaphragma" is some spiral-shaped thing women get inserted into them as a "We don't want no stinking babies"-method. o_O;

Anyways, I tried to suck in my stomach and strengthen the part beyond my belly-button, but it's like 23:28 now and I can't practise well.. XD; Another Tip I heard was that I should always have water near, since soar throats can be _bad_... is that correct?
Sorry for double-posting.. well.. my Voice lessons teacher (Or Singing Teacher, whatever) got asked if she knew how to growl by me today.. and.. well. XD She'll teach me! ^___^
Oh jeez... not again. I really don't feel like explaining it all again... but let me just say that telling people not to use their throat is fucking stupid. And neve push with your stomach! This is where everyone gets fucked up is these two points. You just have to growl like a dog, basically, and learn how to go up adn down pitches with it, and sustain it. This takes time and effort. Your voice must be strengthened through frequent use, but you have to be very careful not to overdo it, or your singing voice will be out of ommission for a few days. Remember: never force the sound out! It should always flow and feel good, or you're doign it wrong and harming your vocal cords. You must breathe in quickly and deeply, like when you're scared (makes a "huh" sound)... then let teh air slowly spill out while singing. If you suddenly lose all your air, you've collapsed your diaphragm and will need to get more air almost immediately. You just have to experiment for a long time to find out how your bodyw orks. Searching the internet for singing tips will probably turn up soem good sites, I know it has for me.

Okay that was just a quick run-through but I didn't feel like typing.