i need a guy for a lyric video


Jul 30, 2011
hallo guys! is anyone out there that can make a good lyric video like that:

(free or low charge)
thanks in advance

*also i need a guy that can make cheap logo for my band and artwork for my band's new ep if you know anyone please send me a pm thanks :)


thanks again
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Good luck man. That LoG one was actually probably one of the best lyric vids I've seen, even if it's just flashing a camera around a piece of paper. Someone put a lot of time into that.
Look up Scythe Designs on FB, I have seen some good work from there. But honestly the cheapest people you will find charge about $300 for a decent video.
300$ is still a bargain, the same goes for the design part, the latest bandlogo I did
was for a band I know and like, still spent 7 hours on it - Doing all the stuff legal
here in Germany and paying taxes is expensive, so in the end they paid me about
400€ So that's around 535$ just for the logo, they're earning some money with the
music so it was ok for them.

Good work has a good price, sure, I am able to design a logo in about an hour, but
if I have to edit stuff because you want changes, it adds time and so on.
In the end I get paid by hour so it doesn't matter to me-but you have to pay more.

If you're lucky and know someone who likes you and works for cheap or free, great
besides that, ask design students and let them use the stuff as a reference.
I did something like that twice during my studies, but we agreed that all the creative
aspects are based on my ideas.