Has someone a cowboy hat and a revolver and is willing to act as a Gunslinger?

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008

We wanna make a video for "The Gunslinger´s Ka". For the non-lead spots we could need for example..some mysterious Gunslinger guy with coat, hat and stuff. Of course this will be quite shadowy and subtle embedded :) Someone interested, or some better ideas anyone?

Edit: Don´t take this tooo seriously, we still discuss the video.
hahahaha fuck yeah
i would so be down for this if i had said items haha
Am I the only one who thinks this may turn out to look ridiculous? In a bad way I mean.
How about just showing artwork from the book and comic book series?

It depends on HOW it will be presented. Mysterious gunslinger walking around in a shadowy environment with some fog and atmospheric elements, briefly displayed at some spots. The main part are our fingers..this is supposed to be a finger movie :lol:

Seriously, we can discuss the different opinions and proposals here. There is nothing set in stone yet, Kimon.

How about just showing artwork from the book and comic book series?

Hmmm will there be no licence problems then? I dunno..