A band has been stealing our music and selling it as their own.

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I guess it's time to take down the instramental versions of your tracks...

Although I'm guessing that won't kill them from youtube.

Ah fuck whatever. HATE HATE HATE


In this case I wouldn't take them down. They can prove they put them up earlier than the thiefs.
Either way it's intolerable what they did. How could anybody sleep at night knowing you stole other people's songs? Can you really be happy if people say "that song is awesome!"?
Wasn't paying enough attention earlier but the posts on Salute Records say about about Zatreon:

"You know that this album is one of our best sellers of this year & you maybe wonders why? Check them out....this is truly for fans of both raw black metal, symphonic and gothic metal !!!"

And the track list is:
1. Intro "Kaifa"
2. This Icon Faces Insanity
3. Majestic Horns
4. Shemhamphorae
5. Unleashed Upon Mankind
6. Ragnarok
7. The Serpent
8. Awakining
9. 666
10. Hope Fails (Piano Version)
11. Call Of Heaven

So it appears someone is making money of you're tracks.

Thanks for the replies sneap dudes!

I have contacted the label, but no reaction so far... however, i can feel a "oh we are sorry but we had no clue that that was not original content but stolen lolz" reply coming up.
And what can i really do? Sue them? expenses max, profit probably near zero. (Mind you i never finished law school.. never started it either).

Let's see what they will say on this matter.. utter shit situation though.
Man I still think you should just file copyright complaints with YouTube and facebook. I had an issue where a band was using the same name as my band and I filed facebook and youtube complaints and got everything taken down within a week. As long as you can link to the old demos where the upload date was before theirs, it should be absolutely cut and dry and they should take down the material very quickly. Good luck with whatever route you take :kickass:

That sucks man I hope everything gets worked out. If I had a Facebook I'd send them some hate for you.
there WERE several comments pointing out that these songs are a complete and total ripoff and linking to the original TGM tracks on bandcamp (and had enough thumbs up to be the top comments) but apparently the cowardly-lying-sack-of-shit-uploader deleted them. oh well the internet never forgets...hopefully these unoriginal fucks get whats coming to them.
Well they are making money off it so you should start flagging them for copy right on youtube.

Threaten the band/label etc with legal action if they don't remove all the stolen music, sometimes a simple threat is good enough.
I'm still baffled as to what kind of a chunk of human shit does this. They're selling physical copies of the album at the moment. Maybe all of their compositions are stolen?

You need to do something about this. If you asked us for help, we could maybe help with the funds you'd need to sue? I know I would donate just to see these people crash and burn.
I wrote the label and asked them if they were ok with bands on their label stealing music and calling it their own......let's see if they reply to me. my guess is if whoever is running the label is making money...they wont care. Whoever is moderating their facebook page is bragging about all the releases they have coming up.
Son of a bitch.. sigh, i have asked them to remove everything that has been stolen and then i would leave it at that.. but is Bob gonna have to go out and choke a bitch!?

They (the label and the band) did not listen and are still making money of these complete ripoffs.. time to contact them once again.. thanks guys for the links! JUDGE JUDY TIEM!
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