A band has been stealing our music and selling it as their own.

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Toxic Grind Machine

black neon bob
Jul 31, 2011

Things have been resolved.. the label knew nothing of this bs, the band that stole our music has been dealt with and is gone.

The band who stole our music(Zatreon) quit and are erased from this earth by Sneapster hitmen.

The label got screwed as well by Zatreon, had no knowledge that it was stolen music.

Yup, the title says it all.

The few of you who are here for a while probably know Toxic Grind Machine and we just released a album last year.
Before the release i had some demos without vocals on them, copyrighted.

Now someone has taken those demos and put their own "vocals" on top of it.. check it out:

Zatreon version:

That is the TGM song "demise" ,a demo i did very early on.. rewriting for the next album. :erk:

Another one, Zatreon version:

That is "Cell 600".. released on our last album.

TGM version (check out Cell 600):


What a ripoff, and not even some credits lol.
There are about two more songs ripped off and slaughtered with their own vocals.

Im digging through the rest of the "Saluterecords" and see if there are more instrumentals they just download and butcher.
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Fuck, that is fucking revolting. Dont know how they look at their fans, knowing that they didnt write the music that claim to be theirs.

When I write a riff and if later I find that riff sounds too much similar to other band, I put the riff aside. But man a entire song? That´s fucking sad.
Recourse? They'd have to have money to sue them.. I'm guessing it's some dumbass kid in his bedroom calling himself a "record company" to stroke his own ego. Apparently, he didn't realize that the people who wrote the original music are also capable of using the internet.

We had the same thing happen a few years back with "Mastered by Muppets" where some dumbass kid stole the lyrics & put shitty music to them. It only took a 30 second video response to have him take it down.
If they have sole at least one track - sue them as sold x10. Let him learn hard way!
That's outrage to sell it. If it was more like just vocal over and for free than probably nothing more than credits to TGM would be enough.
I'm loving TGM and I would kill if something like that happened to my music, because it's near nothing gained from selling music and when someone steal it is just outrageous.
Haha, last 3 posts!

Anyway, had a talk with the guy and the project has been taken down now. (the songs will follow).

I did ask if money has been made from these songs.. let's see what the anwser is.
In all fairness, not much is my guess.. it's nothing major.
But the very thought of someone stealing your songs and selling it as if it were their own creation makes my stomach turn.
This is about as low as it gets when it comes to music piracy. Those vocals/mixing are horrible. The worst part is Salute records leaving comments that this band is epic and greater than bigger bands. I hope they just didnt know this guy was a fraud and thought it was original material. Anyways glad they are taking it down. I caught these songs back when they were instrumentals years ago (I might even have one or two still.) but I never knew what became of TGM. Glad you guys are still kicking Ill check out the album :kickass:
How do you know when someone steals your instrumentals with all the music jungle out there? You can do this with shazam?
Probably found this already but here is the record label if you haven't found it already. I'm sure the label didn't know, either way they will be fucking embarrassed someone on their label is a fraud.


Edit: It shows the band made an album. It's possible the band made money, though without the album we will never know if they have used TGM instrumentals or decided to record their own songs.
I love how their encyclopedia metallum page states what each member "plays" when it is clear they dont.... Unlesd they play other peoples songs live. They also have 3 albums listed so I kind of wonder how legit those ones are too. Weird situation for sure lol
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