A band has been stealing our music and selling it as their own.

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Yeah I posted a comment in response to that post. Why isnt this guy at least giving you credit and dropping ypur name to try and make up for the fact he is making money on ypur tunes and knows it?
Yup, bit of a overreaction to shut down the entire label in my opinion. He could have easily handled this without being drastic.
Just stop the Zatreon album sales, delete them from their page and be done with it.

So to be clear and to sum things up: as far as i can tell it looks like Zatreon simply downloaded my demos from a few years ago, put their own vocals on my copyrighted songs and sold it as if it was their work.
The label heard this, liked it and supported Zatreon. We can not be sure if the label knew this was stolen music, im almost certain they did not know this.

Now Zatreon quits, and so does the label.. This is why we cant have nice things.
I'm quite sure the band and label are related. It's all too suspicious. Any label owner would just stop distributing the album and keep on with their lives and business. In fact, any guy with a label and brains would personally talk to the band and see who they actually are, who are they recording with, whether they are touring or not, etc before signing them.
Yeah, looks pretty damn suspucious, that ridiculously desperate attempt to sell the leftover albums at a low price really quickly instead of immediately cutting their relationship with the band and leaving all responsibility to the band, but now it seems the label itself shut down? Seems to me like the label guy is the same guy from Zatreon, otherwise he wouldn't be so tied to that project/band.
Nah im pretty sure the label did not know. Salute records has been arpund a while. Its basically a one man venture from Sweden. Zatreon is some dude from Egypt. All band profiles amd even the youtube videos said it was made in egypt
Then the guy from Salute is a moron. I can't imagine he'd keep on with material he KNEW was in copyright violation unless he had some personal stake in it. Ah well. Good riddance then. If he can't do the right thing in this situation then he shouldn't be trying to run a label!
Dude from the label is asking us if we can delete this thread now that Zatreon is cut off. Its true he knew nothing of the theft and some nasty shit has been said here. Not sure how TGM wants to proceed, just want to pass along his message, in all fairness he did the right thing in the end.
He also seems to be a legitimate supporter and helper for underground bands.
Dude from the label is asking us if we can delete this thread now that Zatreon is cut off. Its true he knew nothing of the theft and some nasty shit has been said here. Not sure how TGM wants to proceed, just want to pass along his message, in all fairness he did the right thing in the end.
He also seems to be a legitimate supporter and helper for underground bands.

If that's the case then he should leave this thread up so all the underground bands who need help will see that he's a stand up dude and will do the right thing to protect them if need be. In this case it's TGM that needed it, and if he does the right thing then he should have nothing to worry about. :)
I tried to change the title of this thread into "a band has been stealing..." instead of "A label has been stealing..", but i cant seem to edit it.

I talked to Tony (the label manager) a bit and he IS a standup guy. So as far as im concerned this is a closed chapter and a lesson learned for lots of us.
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