A band has been stealing our music and selling it as their own.

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Yeah a bunch of us posted all over the youtube videos before but it didnt work that time. Ill post on the labels facebook page too I think, negative and public attention is bad for business, maybe they will rethink it if they get pushed enough. I think it is just one guy amd he probably stole all the tracks even though their metallum page lists guitarists and shit. If they had a lineup they wouldnt need to steal old instrumentals.
This is from the label owner....... First of all, I have already contacted the man behind Toxic grind machine about this topic (hope it gets solved) and all videos regarding the promotion for the album is taken away with Zatreon today. At least those I could control, if there is other people on the net that have shared it I cant do so much about it. As the band and other people talked about the songs all back in 2010, not all maybe but a few of them. Then I can inform that (as I dont know if you are also a memebr in T.G.M?) that I dont make any kind of money and the band does it not neither as they also vanished almost just a couple of weeks after the release that costed me more to print than I ever will have in return So there you had some information....hope you understands my position as it is impossible for one person to keep yourself updated what music that really is a bands own or not as I as a label have to trust what people say...everything is just too fucking sad. Regards / S.tony / S.R
Well at least there was a response, that's a start. Weird that the dude would disappear though,unless he knew that releasing it was a bad idea and decided to vanish to avoid the consequences.
This is from the label owner....... First of all, I have already contacted the man behind Toxic grind machine about this topic (hope it gets solved) and all videos regarding the promotion for the album is taken away with Zatreon today. At least those I could control, if there is other people on the net that have shared it I cant do so much about it. As the band and other people talked about the songs all back in 2010, not all maybe but a few of them. Then I can inform that (as I dont know if you are also a memebr in T.G.M?) that I dont make any kind of money and the band does it not neither as they also vanished almost just a couple of weeks after the release that costed me more to print than I ever will have in return So there you had some information....hope you understands my position as it is impossible for one person to keep yourself updated what music that really is a bands own or not as I as a label have to trust what people say...everything is just too fucking sad. Regards / S.tony / S.R

Dude, thanks for helping a sneapster out, same goes for the rest of you who have been thinking with me and helping me and TGM out.. cheers!

I basically got the same response of the label owner about how they have zero contact with Zatreon, made almost no money out of the Zatreon album and what money that has been made went into promotion of other bands etc...
I really do think that they had no idea that Zatreon has stolen work from TGM.. i mean, we are no big ass commercial band (we should be damn you!) so it's not like they could not have missed it by listening to Zatreon's album.
However, what stings me is that money has been made out of it, but the claim that it went into promotional stuff for other bands should make it okay? Nope, that does not compute.
Profit has been made, i really don't care where it went.. it has been profitable for them.

But the band ripped off the music, the label has been a platform for the ripped off music without even knowing it.. should they be hold responsible? That's not entirely fair.
I did contact the band Zatreon, and he said sorry and took down the links on youtube as well as their facebook page and some other links.

So what say you fellow sneapster men!? Water under the bridge or take that shit to Judge Judy? WHAT SAY YOU MEN?
It seems more logical to go after these Zatreon guys then the label. Although the label's excuse that the money has been spent is not an acceptable one I feel like it makes more sense to throw the book at the guys that actively stole the music and tried to make a profit from it by pitching it to a label.
I would hate to be running a label and be told "a band you signed is ripping off someone else's songs", I can imagine the frustration of the guy. I don't know how the legal procedure would be, but if I were the label guy I'd look into supporting TGM by suing the Zatreon guy together with you, claiming the label invested money in what is now proved to be a fraud and they should compensate for the label's expenses or however you would legally express that.

In your position Rob, I'd personally go all judge Judy, the album is still on bandcamp for crying out loud, it's still available to buy and download!
They have their paypal email address listed. Contact paypal. For real. It's probably the easiest thing you could do without taking it to court.

See also: Notify bandcamp about them.

Why have you not done this?

As soon as you stop the possibility of generating money for label/band, they will probably pay more attention.
So what say you fellow sneapster men!? Water under the bridge or take that shit to Judge Judy? WHAT SAY YOU MEN?

If the label even made a penny, profit or not, it goes to you, not to where they choose. You signed no contract, nor gave them any permission to copy. It it soley your work. Any & all printed copies should be surrendered to you as well.
Official post in Salute Records Facebook:

August 31st 2013, 11:48AM:
"After some kind of a twist/fight about copyright and owner rights regarding Zatreons music and a another band from Holland...ahhh anyway this topic is so sick/strange and not all is what it looks like I guess. Anyway, I have decided to sell out the rest of the copies of Zatreons second album for a VERY LOW price!! Look on the Bandcamp site & postage is always included \m/ If anyone is interested in some bulk order/many copies, write me \m/

Listen/Order: http://saluterecords.bandcamp.com/
Mail: saluterecords@gmail.com"
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