I need advices about a hard choice


Jun 15, 2010
Lyon (Fr)
Hi guys !
So here's my situation :
I've been playing in a progressive rock metal band since january, and I'm really really happy with this band, we play great music (IMO :D) and the guys I play with are at the same time some of my closest friends, I've never felt as good in a band, we released our debut album in december 2009, we played a few gigs and we are now looking for a deal with a label for our next album, and we already have a few companies which are MAYBE intersted but you know how it is, if there is no signed contract, you're never sure about what will happen... But whatever, I'm really happy with this band, more than in every bands I had :)

But since a few time, I joined a band with other great friends which I've known for years, we play trendy metalcore (I like this music too, but not as much as my other band's music) and even if we have released anything, the singer has a lot of contacts so we already have a few bookers, labels which are following us, so this band should work quite good...

But I hate being in the middle of two things, and I know that one day I will have to quit one of those two bands, so what should I do ? Left one right now before anything really serious is done, or waiting a few time, knowing that I may leave one band in a bad situation if there is tour booked, label contracts...
I'm really lost, and I need external points of vue, because I know that I will have to make a choice but I don't want to make a mistake...
Has anyone been in the same situation ? Also, I'm affraid that my friends from the metalcore band take it bad if I leave (I know them), so how to tell them without losing them as friends ?
My personal point of vue is that I really want to be in my prog band, even if it will be harder to get great things for a band (tour, label...), but I really dream about those things since I started playing music...

This post looks probably ridiculous (also because of my poor english, sorry about that) but I take it very seriously...
Thanks for your reading !