I Need Beer (not another drunk thread)


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
This is the I NEED BEER thread, not another I'VE HAD A LAOT OF BEEARRS thread.

God damn headache from staring at computer all day. Complete and total lack of focus to complete two projects that should have been done yesterday morning. Struggling to pay attention and get this shit done before 5pm so when I come in tomorrow (voluntarily and only for a few hours) I can concentrate on the mundane tasks and earn some easy overtime. Wicked heartburn from macaronia salad lunch. Desire to kill innocent people rising. In other words:

Wow, I forgot about that thread.

No, because I don't think I'm really complaining, it was more stating the facts leading up to the reason for me needing a beer. Either way I'm done with those stupid projects now, and Redrum and Coke is in my immediate future.


This stuff is INCREDIBLY good rum for mixing, cheap as hell too. Might be a little sweet for some, but with Coke it's perfect. No hangover either! Well, I never got one of the stuff. *knock on wood*
It's terrible straight, don't buy it for that. And if you tell me you enjoy spiced rum shit like Capt. Mo, I'm not going to talk to you. :tickled:
Black Winter Day said:
on a related note, i took six double-shots of goldschlager the other night with my mom. twas teh k00l.
I got high with me pops one time, that was interesting.

I m gufodof fucknig hosedd right now, gnnneedd to pmbupump won eo fhot sedunk thtreads intead.
I might be having to crash out on a park bench with a bottle of cheap cider tonight...we shall see.....
Ohhhhhhhh, trust me...cider is the drink of gromits and the homeless, I know that full well! However, I need to save my money for albums and the UBER pissup next week...so a bottle of cider it is -_-
NAD said:
Cider is great, very much not gay.
Real cider is cool...I've had some mates bring over some from France and it was sublime...very weak % but you don't give a shit cos it tastes so good.
Now the cheap Chemical Warfare shit that I just had...now that is BAD...but it does the job and beggars can't be choosers!

Guess the same goes for beer really...ale & bitter is the good shit...if you're drinking any of that Stella Artois or any othrer lager shit you may think you're hardcore but you're a Burberry-wearing faggot really, and you probably got molested by your dad when you were 2 which is why you have such bad social problems.

And if you smoke pot instead of drink beer...you're just a faggot and you must DIE!
You're right about most lagers, although there are some decent ones around. Not my first choice in styles of brew though. :cool:

Ayeka said:
And if you smoke pot instead of drink beer...you're just a faggot and you must DIE!
Uhhhhh... okay? :err: