lurch70 said:
you better move in before coming to NYC .. because after this trip you might not want to settle down. Me and JK have some surprises in store for you ... unsuspecting CA buddy... hehe
Woohoo fuck me, ya'll know I'm showing up as a free man too, right? That part has been unspoken between the chick and I. :Smokedev:
As promised, drunken speak. I only had about 8 beers though, but since I don't drink as much anymore that's plenty. Went up to the local water resovoir, the place I used to get hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh when I was younger, had a nice chat with some bros about weird places we've scored. Hmm, this has nothing to do with what I should talk about, just drunken rambling, oops. Anyhow...
WOMAN: I've never been a casanova, but I've dated my fair shrae of women. No woman on this earth is like the graceful Patricia (one of her middle names is Grace, but I digress

). She makes me warm, she makes me tingly, I spent 3 years with her and didn't truly appreciate what I had until my dumbass broke up with her. This chick is ace. Diamonds. Hot as fuck to boot, with an ass that just won't quit. Loves me for who I am, and lets me get stupid whever I want (daily) with little to no repercussions. Even me Ma likes her, and she's never cared for much of anyone in my life from the female side of things. Anyhow, great chick. Love her like nothing else.
JOB: Mother mother fuck, mother mother fuck fuck my stupid fucking job. Everyone has seen my post count around here, my job is boring as fuck. I get my shit done and then go play on the internet until the chains of 8 to 5 are released 5 or more days a week. Coworker yesterday, who I THOUGHT was my friend and brother in arms in the shithole way to a payday fucked me up. Called me, yelled at me for reasons unknown, hung up on me. Called him back, asked "care to explain what you want me to do?" and his only reply was "DO YOUR FUCKING JOB" before hanging up on me a second time. Turns out, after doing some research, it was a non-issue from a project 6 months ago. Since then I've done about 80 projects so it was out of my memory, and the issue was solved within 30 minutes. Finally realized this isn't where I belong, after 5 years of working there. Fuckit.
Hmm, this post seems rather long, think I'll click SUBMIT REPLY before eeditingg for errors, and now on to a little scotch, havne't indulged in hard liquor for about 4 months now. Wheeeeeeeee..........
EDIT: SKipped the scotch, went for a rootbeer float instead.