i need bootlegs from iron maidens

anyone got any bootlegs from thios great tribute band?just downloaded some live songs from their site and it rocks.great band
my site is www.geocities.com/westhammfc

i have many iron maiden bootlegs to trade for bootlegs from the iron maidens.they are a great band.any help??

spreadin bootlegs is the best way to increase their popularity.i can do it.any help??please email me.u can find the email in my site
hello iron maidens.u are a very good tribute band.but in europe u are not so well known.i really believe that through spreadin your bootlegs,u can earn a lot of fans.i allready posted about u in the official maiden forum.some people know u ther also.but i am sure that if we spread through trading,bootlegs from ya,u can get many new fans.i am sure of that.just think of it.why do u think iron maiden themselves have a trade forum in their site????if it was bad they wouldnt do it.u will gather a huge fan base this way,in europe.i know many people and some of the biggest traders arouns.can spread bootlegs from u easily.orany fan that has your bootlegs,please trade with me.
please consider this.cheers
i've done some trading, and one always finds it's way into a paypal order. just so freakin' busy..... and damn, you got alot of rules on your site!!
hi!it is an honour to speak to minimurray!!!!!!!!
first,paying for bootlegs,is what kills this hobby,i wish noone bought bootlegs and only traded.second,if u really want to spread some bootlegs from your band,whenever u find free time,please contact me.i would be happy to trade em for any maiden bootlegs u might want from me.
about my rules,please dont worry.cause if they are bootlegs made by your band,there shouldnt be any problem.if they aint mp3,then nothin else is a problem.my rules where big,just to be secure from guys that wanted to rip me off onew way or another.dont worry about it please.i would really waould like some bootlegs from your band.i am really impressed from the songs i downloaded from your site.if u ever find time please contact me.i can send first,if u please
ps.i will also make cool covers for the bootsi get from ya if we trade!!!!!!!!!!have done some for my maiden boots and they rock!!!!cheers
ps.when will u come to europe to play?i am from greece
no, the bootlegs weren't sold, but added as a free item with the existing order from our store​
you're kind words have charmed me.....
plus you let me slack on the rules... :) i'll contact you in regards to this.
u girls are amazing!!!!!!to be honest and tell u the truth,i dont know much about you.what i know is that u are an amzing tribute band from the songs i have heard,and i promise to learn more about u soon!i will contact u now minnimurray!!!!!i hope it is ok if we trade in about 3 weeks,cause i am in the middle of my exams in the university right now,and i am finishing it,after 6 very long years!!!!!i will put a link to your site in my links page of my site soon!!!!!!and i will definitelly purchase the licence plate u have!it rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!i hope i can see u soon in europe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!u make me decide to put life to my own maiden tribute band!!!!!!!i am startin to play drums myself!!!!!but am only startin!!!!!!i guarantee to u all that i will do my best so that all traders in europe learn about u!!!!let europe learn the iron maidens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!cheers to ya all
hey iron maidens,i am buildin a big fan base for u!!!in iron maiden forum.look what a moderator commented there!!!!!!


Yeah, what a great bunch of gals. I managed to get a signed poster from them when they were thru town last year. I think a couple of them actually visit the Maiden board, but I haven't seen them here in a while ...... busy eh???

Cost me $20 too. The Bartender/Owner only had one poster made, and I had to pester him with a $20 bill all fucking nite before he finally cut loose with it.

It adorns a coveted space in the shrine room.
MiniMurray said:
no, the bootlegs weren't sold, but added as a free item with the existing order from our store​
you're kind words have charmed me.....
plus you let me slack on the rules... :) i'll contact you in regards to this.
hello again!i wpuld like to ask u to tell me what cds u want from me so that i start copying them cause i have afew free days left before exams!!tell me.cheers!!!!!the iron maidens and iron maiden rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

up the irons