I need some serious help:

Either that or you had some wicked fun on fri/sat nights ;)

I had one a month ago or so... I was at a store somewhere near home and realized it was Friday 9/15 and I wasn't in Atlanta. Naturally I started freaking out, managed to wreck my car in a hurry to get out of the parking lot to try to haul ass to the airport (even though I knew I couldn't make it before the start of the show). It was horrifying.

And even stranger was how pissed I was cause my best friend didn't bother to call me to like make plans to get to the airport etc.... then just a few days ago he tells me he's changed his mind and isn't going. Like it was a sign. lol.
I had one where I was a PP and everybody I knew was sitting at a huge table playing cards. I kept saying, "C'mon. Let's go watch some bands. Everybody kept saying, 'As soon as we finish this hand.'" So I went and watched by myself.
I had a dream that I was flying into Atlanta for PP and had to fly through a hurricane, which almost caused the plane to crash. Just as 7pm on Thursday came for the start preshow party, our plane was struck by lightning and everyone on the plane thought it was all over for us. As we landed, we landed at an angle that didn't allow all the wheels to to touch down as they were supposed to. The flight attendant came to our seat and she was white as a ghost and could not talk clearly. I just wonder how close we were to kissing our asses goodbye. Wait, that wasn't a dream......that really happened!!! How much more METAL can you get?l

One way or another, we will be at PP06 and not to worry, those of you that are coming will too!!!

C-ya there :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: