I need some suggestions


Tyrant in Distress
Hello all...this is sort of shameless self-promotion, but I do really need some help here. I have made a metal discography site which is nearing completion (http://metal.idiglobal.com ignore the lack of content, we're just barely starting to enter the info). Originally I wanted to title it Encyclopedius Metallicus partly in honor of Candlemass' debut CD and partly because it is going to be an encylopedia of metal CDs. I found out, however, that there is an Encyclopedia Metallica in existence, so I don't want to feel like I copied their name. I changed it to Librarius Metallicus, but I'm not sure if I like that title. Does anyone have a good title for my site? It is intended to catalog (or catalogue for you damn Brits and Canucks :) ) all metal releases, past and present. A daunting task, but not an unreachable goal. Anyway, any ideas are welcome. If I use your idea, all I can give you is credit for coming up with it on the home page...I'm not making money from the site.

The funny thing about names is no one cares, seriously.

Ok.. think of your favorite TV show, do you EVER care what the name of it is, no.

Futurama, fucking stupid name, who cares, great show.

The name just becomes a word you don't even subvocalise, you just look at it and think "Place I am/thing i'm wathching"

So basically.. just pick some generic shitty name and you'll be set, like "History of Metal"
Originally posted by Oyo
Metal in the box.

If you use Encylopedia Metallicus I bet metallica will sue you for every penny you have! (to help struggling artists)

Well Oyoy is correct in some part, but knowing jimbob's mania for perfection (he is a web developer after all) i think the name has to be perfect. How about "jimbook metala"?
Well, I realy liked the name "Librarius Metallicus" So I would go with that. It's sounds like a place that got it all,
I like it!:cool:
Thanks for the compliments...I should mention you have to have a version 5 or higher browser, so if anyone went there with an earlier browser it must've been completely useless...hehe. I guess I'll stick with Librarius Metallicus; I didn't think it was bad, I was just trying to see if I could find something better. We're working on getting content in there right now while I finish up a couple minor parts of the code.
Guest book...nah...I may get a forum for people to post about bands that aren't listed or post bugs and shit. I decided to keep the name, and I registered the domain http://www.librariusmetallicus.com (it isn't pointed to the server yet, though, so don't bother going there yet).

Yeah, I know the BNR Metal Pages, they are my inspiration. I said, "I could do that much better, and make it all database-driven", so I did. I emailed the guy to see if he wanted to work together, but he didn't respond, so I decided to build it on my own. I'll email him again when it's live to see if he wants to combine the sites and become a contributor, but if he doesn't I have no worries that within months we'll have more content than he does. There's gonna be several people posting info to the site, so it should keep up with fresh content more often.

Thanks for all the compliments. I'll post about it when it officially launches so y'all can check out the complete product.
