I need something...but I don't know what


May 16, 2005
Reading, Berkshire
I've not even bothered to look anywhere cus I don't know exactly what I'm after

I want a sampler of some kind I can control with a footswitch?
I'm just looking for something well simple to use that just has like 20 different minute long samples that I can use live. Doesnt need to have loadsa pedals, will only ever use one at a time.

The samples are guna be files I've recorded already so I don't wana be programming any synths etc

Any suggestions would be cool, the cheaper the better ;)
Really? that sounds pretty cool.
We did a tour with those guys and Mitch just had a tiny little sampler with 2 pads that he just pressed. Wouldn't have thought they'd need anything else seeing as they only really had samples before breakdowns "oh no, oh no, OH YEAAAH".
They using more samples nowerdays then?

Ideally I'd like something all in one, the sampler and the pedal but I duno if anything like that exists
The used that one, the "Tom Hanks Has Aids" sample, and a giggity one. They said one sample had disappeared or something - was kinda funny.

It was actually the singer from All Shall Perish sitting on the drum riser pressing the samples, not Mitch. :lol:
What's the cheapest/best sampler for this purpose that actually has enough MB of space to hold at least a couple minutes of stereo audio? I remember someone mentioning Akai, but all the cheap ones I ever find on e-bay ($200 and under-ish) I can't seem to understand exactly how they work...like, do they have any internal storage space? The RAM isn't actual storage space, correct? Do they play samples from a disk in the floppy drive or is that just for loading them in? Floppy disks are less than 2MB, so a minute-long stereo song intro couldn't be a WAV file. Is it supposed to be an mp3?
I'm just really confused. I don't know anything about samplers.