what ts9 pedal to get??


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
i just went looking for one of these pedals and i found like 8 versions of them with like 10 diffrent mods it seemed :zombie:

Any help with this would be great, I wana use this for recording and maybe with my peavey ultra plus 120 amp i dont know but i have heard read some good things about them :kickass:
Ok, big controversy, but long story short: the $40 TS7 is THE SAME BLOODY CIRCUIT AS THE ORIGINAL TS9 and THE TS9 IS TWO RESISTORS AWAY FROM THE 'HOLY GRAIL' 808 so if you don't feel like blowing $80 more for three different mods that won't even do what you'll want it to (as a boost, at least) then there's no reason not to get it. The TS7 has the original chip and a part-for-part identical circuit, and not all TS9s can say that (even ones twice as expensive). The extra modes on the DX and things like that will only be really useful if you want it to be your only distortion (or you want to sound like the Smashing Pumpkins' Tales Of A Scorched Earth). If you want 808 I'll send you the two parts you'll need to change out (that will cost you pocket change), if you want 9 you're set (and have a nice 'fat' mod to boot, the same as the best mode of the DX for a fat crunch) and you've saved $60-140 that you would have spent on one of the other ones (whose only difference in half of the cases is the $60-$140 price tag).

What-should-have-been-the-short-version-of-the-long-story made short: Buy the $40 Tone Lok TS7 and spend the extra money on a speaker or something.

Ok the TS-7 don't have the original chip coz they changed something over the years! But if you want the original chip take a japanese radio from the 80s and you'll find one! But the chip the TS7 comes with is (often?) a good one! There's a big debate over the net if there is a difference between the old an d new chip.... but you can easily solder in a socket and buy different chips for less than 50cents each...


I bought the TS-7 changed some caps for film caps and made the 808 mod (change two resistors)!
The film caps let the pedal breath a bit more (I think!) for a lack of a better description! Better clarity?!

I also changed the values of one cap to add better bass response... but if you want a tight metal sound that's a bad idea!

I never compared my TS to others! But I like to :)

Did you read the thread pedal blind test?
I seriously doubt that the TS-7 has the same RC4558 Op-Amp as the TS808, the mod that is usually vital to getting a pedal to 808 specs.

Get the Maxon OD808 or OD820. Not only are they already 808 specs, they have a sweeter midrange than the Ibanez's.
Bloody hell, the TS-7 has the RC4558 and I've NEVER seen one that didn't have one out of the box. Sometimes they're labeled differently, and I've seen people get their panties in a knot over 4558D vs 4558DD (note - the only difference there is shielding, and it's irrelevant in this application), but if you pop open a new TS-7 and it doesn't have a 4558-type op-amp, someone fucked with it before you.

The chips are three or four for a dollar, there's NO reason why they wouldn't. The TS-5 and TS-10 didn't always have them, and many TS-9s were missing them a few years back, but that was like the new formula vs. classic Coke ordeal and they've learned from that fuckup.

The difference between the 9 and 808 is a matter of brightness - 808 should generally be smoother, 9 should generally brighter. As has been said, TWO RESISTORS in the output stage. Unless you got duped with one of the 9s that didn't have a decent chip, not really a big deal.

The really sad thing about the whole thing is that the 4558 isn't necessarily a good chip and most of the time complaints come from people who want the same thing SRV played and not the one that actually sounds more like what THEY want. You look at the reviews on Harmony Central, some of the users talk about different chips that worked better, and I can all but guarantee that you'll find a more usable circuit if you try several different op-amps in sockets for a day or two.

Another long story short - xmarcelx, they changed that chip back after all the shit they got, so a new TS7 that hasn't been jacked with will have a 4558. There's been a name change or two but a 4558 is a 4558 just the same as Skippy from a Costco tub is the same as Skippy from a jar from the gas station. Yes, those film caps will help you out (also try greenies in the clip section) and a larger cap in the input stage will let more bass through. Might also want to toy with the cap in the clipping stage (different values let different 'brightness'/'buzz' through depending on your settings). I'd like to see the numbers on any non-4558-chipped 7 you bought (as well as the production date if you have it). Every circuit tinkerer and every new 7 I've seen (note that they may have produced different things under the number 7) will back me up.

Oh, and for the record (one more time) MAXON IS OWNED BY IBANEZ (paperwork ownership 'owned', not 'th3y pwn y00') and if they haven't changed the 808 the only difference between an Ibanez 808 and a Maxon 808 will be due to part value variance and not the circuit. All I ever hear about Maxon 'mojo' is pixie dust and unicorn shit, but if you can find a difference between Maxon and Ibanez parts I'd like to see it.

Some people on the net say the maxon OD808 is more like a TS10 then a TS808!

Do you wanna use the TS for boosting your amp? I'm wondering coz you said:
I wana use this for recording and maybe with my peavey ultra plus 120 amp
Yeah, that made me wonder too - boosting the amp, or direct in?

Stompboxes straight to tape will NOT sound good without a speaker sim of some kind. Period. If it's going to be your only distortion, you'll want to use the 'Ultra' /'Hot'/'Otherwise jacked sounding' mode on whichever you end up buying for any real crunch.

kev said:
the best of the best is the keeley modded one :) People say he's a bit clearer and has a blue light, we call him the stig....

I sent my 808 reissue off to Keeley today to get modded. I also have another 808 reissue, so I can post some before/after clips.
Keeley's also a really cool guy - you don't like one tiny little thing about it and he'll give you half a billion things to try and see if it's more to your liking. I don't know how many different things are in the new mods, but I do know that he's given away TONS of information about his mods (a version of his Seeing Eye Mod for the DS-1 - used by none other than Satch and Vai - is available all over the Internet and he'll field questions even if you just did his mods from a textfile on some bum's webpage - talk about pride in his work) and that you can probably piece together 99% of what he does in that mod and the other 1% will be stuff you'll want to tweak around yourself. My only concern is that he does reduce the bass cut on the mod I always hear about, and while this will kill that mid 'spike' you may end up tweaking the bass settings on your amp and any EQ pedal before it.

can you only use as boost or can you use to just thicken up the tone some??

Yea im gona use this pedal with my amp forsure but i dont know if i was gona use live or just to record.
broken81 said:
can you only use as boost or can you use to just thicken up the tone some??

Yea im gona use this pedal with my amp forsure but i dont know if i was gona use live or just to record.
Let me try to explain:
I would say it not thicken up the tone that much, it more tighten it up... but in the end it sounds thicker!
If you use it in front of an high gain amp: It boosts the signal and oerdrives the amp more so you need less gain.
Then it cuts some bass ... which can help to make the tone "tighter" and it cut some highs which make the tone a bit "smoother"! With low gain setting it's still cliipping and it adds some compression and overtones...

where's the link to andys tubescreamer clips?
I missed that joke, anyone want to explain it to a soon-to-be-European?

As for tone thickening, it *will* cut bass and some highs, but this ends up giving you a smoother and tighter tone going into the amp. It *will* seem to have a mid boost, but this changes the way the amp distorts (in what's usually considered a positive way) so you'll wind up (1) not needing as much gain, thus ending up with a 'thicker' and tighter sound, and (2) having less high-end crackle, making solid state amps sound less like imitations of tube amps and making tube amps sound more refined and well-handled. I must say, though, that there are some places where a TS-ed tone may not fit as well as amp-set-to-explode, but in most cases (at least for stuff that winds up being the subject on this board) you'll be able to do what you want better with a TS somewhere in your setup.

