rackmount preamp with effects??


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
ok i had a digitech 2101 and 2120 awile back and loved being able to switch from a heavy distortion to a clean channel with delay chours and flanger on it with the click of 1 button. The only downfall was on some channels when switching there would be a slight delayor pause:heh:

Im hating using pedals and trying to switch my amp (peavey ultra 120) to clean with one footswitch and jumping on 2 other pedals after and vise versa when i wana switch back to distorion.
So im looking for some rackmount preamp and effects or some kinda rig like this i was thinking of geting a mesa simul 295 power amp or peavey classic 120/120 power amp. So please any help with some preamps with effects and good distortion and all that CAUSE YOU KNOW ITS ALL ABOUT THE METAL:rock:
broken81 said:
ok i had a digitech 2101 and 2120 awile back and loved being able to switch from a heavy distortion to a clean channel with delay chours and flanger on it with the click of 1 button. The only downfall was on some channels when switching there would be a slight delayor pause:heh:

Im hating using pedals and trying to switch my amp (peavey ultra 120) to clean with one footswitch and jumping on 2 other pedals after and vise versa when i wana switch back to distorion.
So im looking for some rackmount preamp and effects or some kinda rig like this i was thinking of geting a mesa simul 295 power amp or peavey classic 120/120 power amp. So please any help with some preamps with effects and good distortion and all that CAUSE YOU KNOW ITS ALL ABOUT THE METAL:rock:

Tri-Axis if you can afford it ... If not try the Mesa Studio Preamp ...

If that is still out of range you can pick up a used ADA MP-1 which i still love .. for about $200 - $300 on ebay .... or the JMP-1 which i dont like as much.
It's a pretty vague question really. What kind of sounds are you into? Like, some people like the Triaxis, some people like the ADA MP-1, some people like the JMP-1... they're all quite different sounding really. I love my the sounds of my Quad preamp, but you also need something to control the switching in that if you're not using the Quad's FU-2 footswitch (I use a GCX).

Secondly, what kind of effects are you wanting to use. I have an ol' Intellifex, which is great at what it does, but it doesn't do much. You get reverb, delay, chorus, and some fixed interval harmonising, and that's it.

Then there's digital stuff that can do the tones and effects in one, like the Rocktron Prophesy, or modellers like the POD XT Pro 'n' whatnot...
well i have owned the mesa studio preamp but that is just a preamp with no effects and as far as i know it goes back to using more than 1 footswitch cause you would have to use mesa footswitch to change to clean channel then whatever effects you have you would have to use that footswitch to change to that.

im really looking for a all in 1 footswitch kinda thing so i can hit 1 button and change from my ditrotion to something with 3 effects on it or whatever i dont wana have to jump on 3 diffrent pedals or 2 diffrent pedals thats my main thing.

I want something with a lot of effects and real heavy distortion:rock:

I also owned a pod pro and that thing is garbage for live use :Puke: pod pro